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Sample Research Assignment

Sample Research Assignment

Topic: Anti-Semitism in France

Working Thesis: Increasing anti-Semitism has caused many French Jews to emigrate.

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Exploratory Paragraph

I will look at a brief history of French anti-Semitism and resulting emigration. Then I will focus on the current problem 2018-2019. Has anti-Semitism actually been increasing in France? Where? What are the numbers and/or percentages of Jews who have been targeted? What forms does anti-Semitism take currently in France? Have Jews left their homes in France to escape anti-Semitism? How many stay? How many leave? Where do they go? I may have to narrow down the topic and the thesis statement, depending upon what I find out as I read the source material.

Works Cited

Byrne, Clare. “Anti-Semitism worst since WWII, Macron tells French Jewish group.” The

Jewish Week. The Times of Isreal. 21 Feb. 2019. Web. 2 April 2019.

Dreyfus, Jean-Marc and Jonathan Laurence. “Anti-Semitism in France.” Brookings. The

Brookings Press, 14 May 2002. Web. 2 April 2019.

McAuley, James. “As anti-Semitism rises in France, Macron’s government struggles to

respond.” Washington Post. The Washington Post Company, 19 Feb. 2019. Web. 2 April


Reynié, and Dominique and Simone Rodan-Benzaquen. “Anti-Semitism in France: Facing

Reality.” The Blog. HuffPost, 2015.


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