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10 Strategic Points-RES-855 Resource

RES-855 Resource

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Broad Topic AreaIncivility in psychology undergraduate education programs
Lit ReviewBackground According to Misawa & Rowland (2015), a significant number of studies have highlighted the conspicuous decrease in civility in learning institutions in the US. The norm for civility in higher learning institutions fosters mutual respect between people in these institutions. As Clark (2008) presented, incivility violates this norm of upholding respectful relationships thus interfering with the learning process in learning institutions. Jiménez et al. (2015) stated that incivility in higher learning institutions usually leaks through an education system thus encouraging disrespect in future workplaces. Besides, Aliakbari & Hajizadeh (2018) argued that a disruptive learning environment alters the classroom experience, contributes to hostile behavior, and ultimately diminishes the commitment and respect of learners to these schools. However, Knepp (2012) stated that both faculty members and students could contribute towards incivility in an educational environment. Burke et. al. (2014) highlighted that the consequences of incivility include powerlessness, worthlessness, emotional distress, extreme stress, poor self-esteem, shame, and feelings of segregation. Therefore, shedding light on the foundations of incivility would help determine more appropriate interventions aimed at minimizing further uncivil behavior in the world (Spadafore et al., 2016). Henceforth, this study will examine faculty members and students to determine their perception of incivility in undergraduate psychology programs. This will help identify the causes of incivility and potential remedies to these problems. Collectively the presented research shows there is need for understanding the causes of academic incivility in higher education institutions for nursing from viewpoint of both students and faculty. Theoretical Foundation Many factors in this issue illustrate that incivility is also influenced by determinants beyond learning institutions. As Glanz et al. (2015) presented, individual and forethought sense of control often control incivility in learning institutions. Besides, the Social Learning Theory will be employed to signify the theoretical framework for this research. It illustrates how a person acquires principles, outlooks, and behaviors from other people through modeling, emulation, or observation (Bandura, 1977). This theory will also be utilized to support how the principle of reciprocal determinism, cognitive, environmental, and social tendencies help encourage and create uncivil and civil tendencies among individuals.
Problem StatementIt is not known to what extent to which faculty members and students impact uncivil behavior in undergraduate psychology education, causes of such behavior, and possible remedies.
Research QuestionsHow do faculty members and undergraduate psychology students influence incivility? Which solutions would be effective in decreasing or curbing incivility among psychology undergraduates? What are the main causes of incivility among undergraduates in psychology education?
SampleIdeally, sampling methods should be utilized based on the purpose of the study (Padgett, 2008). Similarly, this study will employ purposive sampling. According to Etikan et al. (2016), this sampling method assumes that the study seeks to gain insight, comprehend, and uncover relevant information about a particular topic. Besides, a homogenous sampling method will be employed in selecting respondents that attend or teach psychology in undergraduate programs in a higher learning institution in the United States. This criterion will fulfill the first research question that seeks to pinpoint how faculty members and undergraduate psychology students contribute to incivility in psychology education.
Describe the PhenomenonThis study’s phenomenon is the increase in uncivil behavior among faculty and students in undergraduate psychology programs. Phenomena to be studied include: Incivility has become rampant among college students; thus, studying the perception of both students and the faculty is essential in gaining insight on the causes and remedies to this problem. A qualitative research design best addresses the research question, and the methodology will allow for the acquisition of a wide range of data for analysis.
Methodology and DesignThe main goal of interpretative qualitative designs is to gain insight into a social phenomenon from the perspectives of a respondent (Merriam, 2009). Therefore, since the primary purpose of this study is to understand the perceptions of both groups on incivility, an interpretative qualitative design will be employed. Besides, this design is appropriate because it will be instrumental in obtaining first-hand information from individuals that have immediate experiences with incivility in these institutions.
Purpose StatementThis study will examine the degree to which the faulty and undergraduate psychology learners influence incivility, the causes of such behavior, and the appropriate remedies to this problem.
Data Collection Instruments and ApproachInstrument The IHE Instrument will be used. The questions in the IHE survey will examine both the faculty and student’s perspective of uncivil behavior, the frequency of these incidents, and the potential remedies for such behavior in undergraduate psychology programs. This instrument comprises three parts. Part one asks about demographic data such as teaching experience, age, sex, and major. Part two will request the respondents to list 16 behaviors often demonstrated by students, which both the faculty and students consider disruptive. Lastly, Part three will collect data on the 20 disruptive behaviors demonstrated by the faculty. Data collection approach Surveys will be used to collect data concerning this topic. Furthermore, the study will utilize a pretested instrument, a pilot study will not be required. Secondly, emails will be sent to the institution to invite the faculty and undergraduate students to participate in the research. These emails will comprise a comprehensive description of the purpose of the study. Once the faculty approves of the study, the IHE instrument will be disseminated to pertinent participants including confidentiality procedures, the purpose of the study, and the sampling process. To ensure that confidentiality is upheld, the respondents will be assured that their identity will not be connected to their answers. However, if the study requires that the responses be linked to the respondents, then pseudonyms will be used. Permission to use each instrument or data source, site approval, obtaining administrative guide, validation of information, and consent from participants are all essential parts to following ethical practices. Only willing participants that sign consent forms will participant in the study. This process will ensure that said research is ethical by ensuring that the privacy and anonymity of the respondents is maintained. Lastly, the information obtained from the survey will be stored in private files. Interview transcripts of the recordings will be prepared after the data collection period to maintain the accuracy of participants’ responses.
Data Analysis ApproachThe research will utilize Hatch’s thematic analysis strategy because of its ability to identify particular factors relevant to the problems that will be highlighted by the respondents. Besides, an inductive coding process will be employed in the analysis process where stable indiscretions will be pinpointed in different forms. Moreover, the patterns from these the respondent’s responses would be identified according to; Recurrent issues Problems that ensue such behaviors Situations that happen the same way Problems that happen in a particular order Situations that happen in correspondence with other incidents. Lastly, the responses provided by the participants will be revised and coded to disclose developing themes.


Aliakbari, M., & Hajizadeh, A., (2018). Students’ perceptions towards teachers’ and students’

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academic impoliteness. International Journal of Teaching the Learning in Higher

Education, 30(1), 91-104

Burke, L. A., Karl, K., Peluchette, J., & Evans, W. R. (2014). Student incivility: A review.

Journal of Management Education, 38, 160-191

Clark, C. (2008). The dance of incivility in nursing education as described by nursing faculty

and students. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(9), 37-54.

Clark, C. M., & Springer, P. J. (2007). Thoughts on incivility: Student and faculty perceptions

of uncivil behavior. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(2), 93-97.

Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and

purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1-


Glanz, K., Rimer, B., & Viswanath, K. (2015). Health behavior: Theory, research, and

practice. Jossey-Bass

Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing Qualitative Research in Educational Settings. State University of

New York Press.

Jiménez, P., Dunkl, A., & Peißl, S. (2015). Workplace incivility and its effects on value

congruence, recovery-stress-state, and the intention to quit. Psychology, 6(9), 1930-


Knepp, K. A. (2012). Understanding Student and Faculty Incivility in Higher Education. The

Journal of Effective Teaching, 12(1), 33-46

Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. Jossey-


Padgett, D. (2008). Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research. Sage Publications.

Misawa, M., & Rowland, M. (2015). Academic bullying and incivility in adult, higher,

continuing, and professional education. Adult Learning, 26(1), 3-5.

Spadafora, N., Farrell, A., Provenzano, D., Zopito, A. M., & Volk, A. (2016). Temperamental

Differences and Classroom Incivility: Exploring the Role of Individual Differences.

Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 33(1), 1-19.

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