Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

9-1 Final Project Submission: Executive Summary Presentation With Speaker Notes

9-1 Final Project Submission: Executive Summary Presentation With Speaker Notes

Submit your final presentation. It should be 10 to 12 slides in length, and should represent a compilation of your learning, incorporating all instructor feedback from your three milestones and showcasing your DMAIC process for your selected case study.

Throughout the course, particularly for the milestones and small group discussions, you have prepared for your final project. Your task now is to take your milestone drafts (which contain the critical elements for your final project) and transform them into a presentation with speaker notes.

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Note that the professional speaker notes for your presentation should retain the citations from your milestones. You have also worked in your small group discussions on slides for your final project. Be sure to incorporate all instructor and peer feedback into your presentation. If you need assistance in creating a presentation—or graphics, charts, and tables—in PowerPoint, refer to the optional resources in this module.

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