Harvard Business Review Simulation and Journal ESSAY

For this assignment, first complete the simulation for the third and final time, this time paying attention to your company’s CSR and hiring practices. Then, complete and submit your journal assignment

Based on the situations you faced and the decisions you made in the simulation, the company hired and fired certain people. The business also had some interest in philanthropic initiatives. In this journal, you will reflect on these decisions and initiatives and consider the overall diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of this company.


In your journal, reflect on the various personnel decisions made in the simulation. Also, reflect on the company’s CSR programs and whether they impacted the business or the community in a meaningful way.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

  • Hiring practices: Describe how you think the company did with diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices across generations, and whether your decisions in the simulation helped.
  • Places to improve upon: Explain how the company could have done better.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

  • Community and social initiatives: Discuss the company’s contributions to community and social initiatives and whether your decisions in the simulation affected these initiatives.
  • Places to improve upon: Outline some ways in which you think the company can further improve their CSR programs and involvement.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a Word document of 1 to 2 pages using 12-point Times New Roman, one-inch margins, and double spacing. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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