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HSA 505 Week 2 Discussion 1 “Marketing Growth and Strategic Planning”

HSA 505 Week 2 Discussion 1 “Marketing Growth and Strategic Planning”
Justify the assembly of a balanced product portfolio by marketing managers as a meansof ensuring extended success in the health care market industry. Provide two(2) real-life examples to support your rationale.Assess the importance of portfolio planning in the health care industry, and determineat least one (1) approach to portfolio planning that can help marketingmanagers to ensure productive marketing operations. Provide at least two (2)specific examples of portfolio planning in a health care organization withwhich…
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In HSA 505 // April 13, 2016 //
HSA 505 Week 1 Discussion 2 “New Product Process”
Create an argument in support of the assertion that the Product Life Cycle enhances marketing outcomes in the health care industry. Provide support for your argument.Suggest at least two (2) examples that support the notion of the limiting life span of health care products as a necessity in the ongoing and systematic product succession planning effort. Buy n…
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In HSA 505 // July 20, 2015 //
HSA 505 Case Study 3 Missed Opportunities
Due Week 9 and worth 200 pointsRead the case study titled “Missed Opportunities”, located in the online course shell. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Examine the pros and cons from the perspective of Crestview Hospital of the placement of its new billboard directly adjacent to Briarwood Medical Center. Interpret the reaction of customers and other community stakeholders to the billboard postings.Use competitive marketing entry strategies to suggest the action that Briarwood Hospital…
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In HSA 505 // July 20, 2015 //
HSA 505 Case Study 2 Stopping Outshopping
Due Week 7 and worth 220 pointsRead the case study titled “Stopping Outshopping”, located in the online course shell. Then, use the Internet or Strayer databases to research similar marketing strategies in the health care industry.Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Based on the textbook’s summary of Timothy’s philosophy of continually striving for excellence, determine whether or not Scarlet Hospital was prepared to compete with the establishment in Salem even before the highway improvement…
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In HSA 505 // July 20, 2015 //
HSA 505 Case Study 1 Revitalizing a Brand
Due Week 4 and worth 200 points Read the case study titled “Revitalizing a Brand”, located in the online course shell. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the branding and communication strategies of one (1) health services organization that is similar to the health services organizations mentioned in the case study. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Describe the current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of Plaza Home Health Services. Conduct a Strengths Weaknesses…
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In HSA 505 // July 20, 2015 //
HSA 505 Assignment 1 Product Development
Due Week 3 and worth 160 pointsHealth services continue to affect the gross domestic product, and this dramatic transformation has great demands on each dollar spent to deliver patient-centered products. Health care marketing must be repeatedly applied and practiced strategically to include environmental dimensions, such as technology, socioeconomics, competition, and regulatory.That being said, in today’s global economy, investors and potential entrepreneurs must tap into the so-called “unexplored” market. In this aspect,…
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