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Customer Service Blueprint Assignment

Customer Service Blueprint Assignment

PART 1 Designing the Customer Service Blueprint

Hospitality, Tourism and Flights Program

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Value: Part 1: 15% of final grade            

 Due Date: Week 6 – Saturday, June 26, 2021 @ 11:59 pm

Assignment Criteria: Please read all of the following information before you begin the assignment.

 A customer service blueprint is an operational planning tool that provides guidance on how a service will be provided, specifying the physical evidence, staff actions, and support systems / infrastructure needed to deliver the service across its different channels.

Purpose of the assignment: The purpose is to bring together your understanding, application and demonstration of a customer service blueprint.  You are to demonstrate that you know about customer service blueprinting by providing and completing part 1 of the assignment below.

Your research and content of what your customer experience and service system will come from the options listed below as well as the resources provided to you in the lesson folder for customer service blueprint.

Your customer service blueprint will portray what the customer experience and service system is so that different people involved in providing the service can understand it objectively, regardless of their role or individual point of view.  

Assignment requirements (what you are required to do)

In your teams (3 members per team), see “My Group” in your course menu to sign up for your group/team. You are to design a customer service blueprint for a service offering in tourism, hospitality or flights. Use the design characteristics we discussed in class (use the excel template that is provided) to develop your customer service blueprint. 

Structure of the customer service blueprint: You are to use the excel blueprint template in the “Assignment” option of the course main menu and find “Customer Service Blueprint Assignment”.  You must add arrows, text and colored boxes.

Format your customer service blueprint using the following four steps on the excel template provided:

Step 1 – Identify the service process to be blueprinted, (for example: Spa experience, restaurant dining experience, CN Tower Edgewalk, Canada’s Wonderland visit, booking to boarding for a flight, or boarding to baggage and the the inflight experience). (Write this part directly on the excel template)

Step 2 – Identify the target customer of the service (what is the age range/gender/occupation / ethnic background  / Education / income of the customer, for example: GENDER: Male/Female/Other, CUSTOMER AGES RANGE: 18-??, OCCUPATION:  full time/part time,
details are provided in the Target Customer Profile example below, please identify/include the target customer directly on the excel template.

Step 3 – Create the customer service blueprint process from the customer’s point of view (using the excel template provided).  When indicating Contact Employee Onstage and Backstage, identify each employee by their job title.

Step 4 – Blueprint ONE fail (F) and multiple wait (W) points in the customer service process directly where it occurs in the process on the blueprint with an F or a W.  Make this highly visible.

Target customer profile Example:

  • Gender: male/female/other
  • Age: 18 – 60
  • Ethnicity: any ethnicity
  • Income: $0 – $15,000/year
  • Occupation : any occupation
  • Education: full time college student

Use a general target market range, not one specific customer.

Choose ONE from the following six scenarios to blueprint.  No matter which area of study you are taking, you can choose any one of the following:


  1. Blueprint a Spa experience either at a hotel or a separate spa facility.  Start with booking the appointment, then proceed with arriving at the location, checking in, spa service provided, after the spa service and finally ending the appointment.  Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence, Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, Support Processes, and Self Service Technology Actions.


  • Blueprint a restaurant dining experience.  Start with booking the reservation, then proceed with arriving at the restaurant, checking in, the dining experience, and finalizing the experience. Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence, Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, Support Processes, and Self Service Technology Actions.



  1. Blueprint a visit to the CN Tower for the Edgewallk Experience.  Start with booking your experience, arriving at the CN Tower, checking in, preparation for the experience, the actual Edgewalk, and the conclusion of the experience. Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence, Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, Support Processes, and Self Service Technology Actions.


  • Blueprint a visit to Canada’s Wonderland.  Start with the purchase of your one day ticket, continue with arriving at the park, the customer experience for one ride or one food venue purchase, ending the visit. Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence (Clearly the park is a big facility so you would not indicate all the physical evidence seen in the park.  Use either the ride experience or the food purchase experienceWhat prior experiences do you have that inform how you approach this class?and indicate the physical evidence as it pertains to what you have chosen), Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, Support Processes and Self Service Technology Actions.


Flight Services

  1. Blueprint booking to boarding of a flight on an airline.  Detail the customer experience from booking to the point where the customer takes their seat on the aircraft.  Be sure to include the airline, the flight sequence (departure city to arrival city), airport experience and then the gate and boarding experience. Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence, Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, and Support Processes.  Include flight origin and destination.


  • Blueprint boarding to baggage of a flight experience with an airline on an overseas flight.  Begin from the point where the customer takes their seat onboard the airplane, detail the inflight experience/services, to arrival at the destination to the point of receiving their baggage and exiting the airport.  Indicate the flight routing (departure city to arrival city).  Break down each step of the customer experience by indicating the Physical Evidence, Customer Actions, Contact Employee Onstage Actions, Contact Employee Backstage Actions, and Support Processes. Include flight origin and destination.

Please use the Excel spreadsheet template posted with the assignment to detail your Customer Service BluePrint.


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