Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Statement of the problem from a global perspective

1. Statement of the problem from a global perspective:

2. Provide statistics, proposed reasons for the issue, provide proposed resolutions

3. Identify a target population and give reasons (from the literature) why the population you chose is “at-risk.”

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Part 2 – Program Proposal

· Briefly summarize your program.

· State what you propose will address the issue. Back up your proposal with scholarly evidence (peer-reviewed literature).

· Identify and support all program interventions (i.e. educational programs, products, other services, communication strategies, etc.).

Part 3 – Identify Your Planning Committee Members

· Who did you choose?

· Why did you choose them?

· How do they influence the success of your program?

Part 4 -Business Model

· Describe your business model (i.e. group training, personal training, online training, membership, etc.).

· Display and describe your organizational chart.

Part 5 – Mission Statement/Goals and Objectives

· 1 mission statement

· Up to 5 goals, no less than 3 (should be based on the first year of the program)

· No less than 1 objective per goal

· Each objective must be measurable (such as “By the end of the first year, I will have 50 clients.”)

Part 6 – Theoretical Underpinnings

· What behavioral change strategies are you using? Why?

Part 7 – Marketing Strategies

· Communication pathways

· Education pathways

· Advertising pathways (i.e. Facebook, word of mouth, print ad)

· Why is the advertising pathways you chose effective for your ideal client?

· What is your messaging? Why? (unique selling proposition – what makes you different from your competitors?)

Part 9 – Funding Plan

· Will you need working capital (cash) to set up your business?

· What sources of funding would you pursue? (personal loans, GoFundMe, donations, etc.)

· What barriers might you anticipate?

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