Discuss how ethical behaviors (trust, values, integrity, and responsibility) impact the total quality approach in an organization. Refer to this week’s lecture before crafting your post.
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Write My Essay For MeExemplary performances in an organization are a result of employees practicing the right ethical behaviors, such as them being responsible for their actions. Applying the right ethical behaviors is crucial if an organization desires to empower, nurture, and retain its most talented employees. Some of the essential practices that lead to an improvement in employees’ productivity include responsibility, integrity, values, and trust.
Effects of Ethical Behaviors
Values are crucial in organizational success as they influence employees’ principles, goal setting, decision making, and their morals. Values influence how employees behave in the organization and the way they make their decisions. Values are important for organizations to be successful in producing quality products or services, as it results in employees doing the right things in the workplace (Hijal-Moghrabi et al., 2015). Integrity impacts the total quality approach of employees or businesses that practice it, as it reflects in their daily work ethics. Integrity makes employees do their tasks correctly, timely, and thoroughly, as they do not seek shortcuts in completing their tasks (Geddes, 2017). Employees with integrity make sure that their products meet the required regulatory standards as they practice sincerity in their work.
Accepting responsibility make employees accountable for their actions, instead of them always blaming other people for their failures (Ong et al., 2018). It assists employees to work on improving their performances as they are accountable for their work output. Trust is crucial for the organization as it makes all members to be fully committed to the organization strategic goals (Lukić & Vračar, 2018). Trust empowers and encourages employees’ commitment since it fosters pride ownership in the organization. It also ensures appropriate decisions are made at all organizational levels, as the organization focuses on the continuous improvement of its employees.
Conclusion Organizations cannot be successful in their daily operations or activities if their employees lack the right ethical behaviors. Ethical behaviors help restrain employees from doing things that may be harmful to themselves, their families’ financial stability, and the organization’s reputation and performance. Organizations and employees must practice ethical behaviors as it will ensure that their products are of the highest quality and highest…
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