Read/review the following resources for this activity:
• Textbook: Martin, F. D., & Jacobus, L. A. (2018). The humanities through the arts. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 14
• Lesson
• Minimum of 1 primary sources (artist statement)
• Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook – from critic)
Although controversial art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the distribution of information regarding controversial art has increased with the proliferation of media. Choose an example of a controversial work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline of the humanities (music, literature, sculpture, film, television, etc.). Then, address the following:
• Identify the work and the medium.
• Based on your example, to what extent does this work of controversial art make a social contribution?
• What aesthetic value does the work have? How does it reflect the human condition? How does it relate to your life?
• Has this work ever been censored? If so, explain the circumstances.
• Are governments ever justified in censoring art? Why or why not?
• Examine some of the influences of this work of art.
• Argue whether or not this work should be considered art. Explain why using terms learned in this course.
• Include an accompanying statement from the artist(s) and a statement from a critic to support your points.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
• Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
• 1-inch margins
• Double spaced
• 12-point Times New Roman font
• Title page
• References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source and 1 primary source)
This activity will be graded based on the W7 Essay Grading Rubric.
Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 4, 6
Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
W7 Essay Grading Rubric
W7 Essay Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength 5.0 pts
Meets length requirement 0.0 pts
Does not meet length requirement
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 10.0 pts
Submission addresses all aspects of the assignment. 8.5 pts
Submission addresses most aspects of the assignment. 7.5 pts
Submission addresses some aspects of the assignment. 6.0 pts
Submission addresses few aspects of the assignment. 0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis 35.0 pts
Paper provides an in-depth analysis of the artwork showing a clear understanding of the work, the controversy surrounding it, and how if it fits into a definition of art. 29.75 pts
Paper provides an strong analysis of the play(s) showing a good understanding of the work, the controversy surrounding it, and how if it fits into a definition of art, but it could include additional details for support of points or to make analysis clearer. 26.25 pts
Paper provides an in-depth analysis of the play(s) showing a good understanding of the work, the controversy surrounding it, and how if it fits into a definition of art, but examination could be refined and more in depth. 21.0 pts
Analysis of the artwork is limited or unclear, lacking details and support. 0.0 pts
No effort
35.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Integration 5.0 pts
Paper includes reference to scholarly sources within the essay and properly integrates the source. 3.75 pts
Paper includes reference to scholarly sources within the essay but does not properly integrate the source. 0.0 pts
Paper does not make reference to scholarly sources.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Flow 10.0 pts
The writing contains strong word choice that clarifies ideas and masterful sentence variety that aids with the flow of ideas. 8.5 pts
The writing contains varied word choice and sentence structures that clarify ideas and aid with the flow of ideas. 7.5 pts
The writing contains word choice and sentence structures that can be revised for better clarification of ideas and flow of ideas. 6.0 pts
The writing contains wording and sentence structures that are awkward and/or unclear, impeding the clarity and flow of ideas. 0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics & Usage 10.0 pts
The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper. 8.5 pts
The writing contains a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the errors do not detract from a clear reading of the text. 7.5 pts
The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that need to be addressed for a clearer reading of the paper. 6.0 pts
The writing contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impede a clear reading of the paper. 0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Paper Format 5.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include all 7 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 4.25 pts
Paper is formatted to include 6 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 3.75 pts
Paper is formatted to include 5 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 3.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include 4 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 0.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include 3 or fewer of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting 5.0 pts
All references include complete bibliographic information for sources and are properly formatted using APA style. 4.25 pts
Most references include complete bibliographic information for sources are properly formatted using APA style. 3.75 pts
Some of the references include complete bibliographic information for sources are properly formatted using APA style. 3.0 pts
Few of the references include complete bibliographic information for sources are properly formatted using APA style. 0.0 pts
There is no reference page.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 85.0
Work and Medium
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Write My Essay For MeThe controversial piece of art, “My mummy was beautiful” by Yoko Ono, is a public artwork that bares the breast of a woman as well as a crotch. The art was displayed throughout Liverpool city in the UK. The artist stated she was inspired by the childhood memories of the late mother, who died when he was still an adolescent. The intention was, therefore, to broadly pay homage to motherhood. The medium is a drawing printed on a poster and displayed in the streets of Liverpool. The poster received controversy and praise in almost equal measure. One critic of the poster stated, ” I will not shop in Church Street until these posters are removed (The Filter, 2004).”
How The Work Makes A Social Contribution The controversy of the piece of work came from the complaints stating that the image was a disrespect to womanhood. The pictorial image of a woman’s breast was argued to erode the moral fabric that is meant to protect the dignity of women. According to the artist, however, the piece of art was done as an emblem of respect for…
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