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Do you think SoftBank CEO Massa Son has much to celebrate after the debacle at “WeWork” and “Greensill Capital” ? How do you assess Massa Son’s leadership style?

Session 2 Module contains 2 Financial Articles titled:

Article 1) SoftBank Broke Profit Records. Can it Keep Up the Pace?

Article 2) How to Reset the Relationship Between the U.S. and China

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Below are the Questions to the Session 2 Financial Articles


Please provide a 3 or 4 sentence (1 paragraph maximum) written response to each question. Provide your response via Canvas online system.

Questions: SoftBank is Riding High – For Now

1) Do you think SoftBank CEO Massa Son has much to celebrate after the debacle at “WeWork” and “Greensill Capital” ? How do you assess Massa Son’s leadership style?

2) Do you think SoftBank will be able to sustain its profit record in 2021 going forward? What are the risks associated with the management of the first Vision Fund $100M and the second Vision Fund of $30B (solely funded by SoftBank)?

Questions: How to reset the Relationship Between the US and China

1) Biden Administration will inherit a relationship with China that is at its lowest point in decades.  Among the issues, human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang region and a tech cold war that has raised questions over data, sovereignty, and power.  What do you think is the way forward for US administration in tackling these complex issues? Explain.

2) Financial services industry is America’s most politically powerful industry and if the Chinese give all these companies like Black Rock and Goldman Sachs, a sliver of the market, these companies will be in Washington telling regulators “Do not do anything against China because you will hurt my market share”.  China does not do anything that’s not in its own complete self interest.  What do you think, should be Biden’s administration stance in managing US-China relations. “Get Tough or Play Ball”. Comment.

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