CW2: Individual Portfolio – The innovation Process

CW2: Individual Portfolio – The innovation Process Select a company  (from below) and produce a portfolio with these elements:

  • A mood board that describes the culture and people of your company
  • A voice over presentation (16 slides) Pechakucha that discusses YOUR innovation for this company using some of the 2030 World Economic Forum Vision
  • A 900 word innovation strategy report for this company based on YOUR innovation. 

This portfolio should demonstrate your understanding of the innovation process of an innovation for this company, choose from the following companies ONLY:Companies to choose fromBoots / JD Sports / Accessorize / Godiva / Nespresso / any company producing Motorbikes / Any Air Company / Any Travel Agent /  

Mood Board: Students gather their contributions to the various debates from Forum and Boards contributions and formative tasks in the padlets every week in the form of an individual mood board The theme is Culture and People (on the chosen organisation).

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Size 5 entries (equivalent 300 words)

Pechakucha Presentation: Students create an audio-based screen recording of visual slides on resolving a problem for their chosen organisation. Formative research and innovation padlets will support these formatively.

One power-point slide of 18 images, with a given shared structure, with a voice over across the 18 x 18 seconds per images for a total of 3 minutes 24 seconds (equivalent 300 words)

 Final Portfolio and Report
The final portfolio is made of 1 mood board; 1 presentation with voice over; and a 900 word report1 mood board (300 words)
1 presentation (pecha kucha) 3 minutes 24 (400 words + 400 image equivalent)
1 portfolio discussion (900 words)Style of the Portfolio
Everything needs to be uploaded to an individual Padlet and Blackboard (everything as PDF) on the deadline above. The Report must include

  • Your name and organisation
  • Discussion as follows:
    Introduction (100 words)
    Culture and People (100 words)
    Innovation reflection (100 words)
    Innovation Strategy (500 words) [How does the innovation you propose fit and change the current organisational strategy]
    Conclusion (100 words)

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