Running head: DECISION TREE 1 Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Students Name Institutional AffiliationDECISION TREE2Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal DisordersMr. Akkad, a 76-year-old male, was brought to the office for strange behavior. Uponclinical evaluation, the laboratory and diagnostic tests, including a head CT-scan were normal,ruling out any organic basis to his conduct. The patient presented with strange thoughts andbehaviors for the past two years, which according to his son, was getting worse. Some of thepersonality changes noted by the family included loss of interest in religious activities with thefamily and becoming critical to everyone. The things he used to take seriously had become asource of ridicule. His memory was declining and was forgetting things. The family reported thathe sometimes had challenges finding the right words in a conversation, and would shift to adifferent line of conversation. The patient appeared pleasant, cooperative, and seemed to enjoytalking with the therapist. However, his contact was poor and assessment of his memory revealedconfabulation while his mini-mental state exam (MMSE) score was 18 out of 30. He is alsodisoriented to time and event, though partially oriented to place. His insight, judgment, andimpulse are impaired and he denies homicidal or suicidal ideation. The presumptive diagnosis forthe patient was major neurocognitive disorder due …
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