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Advance practice Registered nurses (APRNs) and State Regulations essay

Advance practice Registered nurses (APRNs) and State Regulations

Assignment: State Regulations for Advanced Practice Nurses
Although your roles and responsibilities may differ based on your practice setting (think emergency department versus inpatient hospital setting or outpatient specialty medicine clinic), they may also vary depending on the state in which you practice. Because each state has its own laws and regulations that determine the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses, it is your responsibility to understand your own state’s guidelines. This Assignment involves locating the Nurse Practice Act for your state and reviewing practice guidelines, licensing requirements, and the certification process.

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Locate the Nurse Practice Act for your state, as well as any other state legislation that outlines practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). Reflect on the definition and scope of practice of the APRN according to your state.
Consider which state board is responsible for licensure of APRNs. Determine whether your state requires nursing board approval, board of medicine approval, or joint board approval for APRN practice.
Consider the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Drug Schedule categories approved for APRN prescribing. Think about how this might impact your clinical practice.
Research the national certifying board options and application processes for the Adult Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Think about which exams are recognized by your state board and which board options best suit your professional needs.
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Address the following in a 1- to 2-page paper:

Explain the definition and scope of practice for APRNs according to the Nurse Practice Act in your state.
Identify the state board that is responsible for licensure of APRNs.
Identify the DEA Drug Schedule categories approved for APRN prescribing in your state. Explain whether this might impact your clinical practice, and if so, explain how.
Identify which national certifying board options are recognized by your state board. Explain which options best suit your professional needs and why. Describe the application processes for these options.

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