Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

For Reflection 2, think about the people and experiences

For Reflection 2, think about the people and experiences shaping your career decisions and which of these most continues to influence you. Use the following set of guiding questions to help you craft your response: Read the attached article, “Integrating Career and Personal Counseling Click for more options ,” by John Krumboltz. This article explains the connection between our personal lives and our career choices. Do you relate to any of the examples in the article? Do any of the “career problems” discussed apply to your past or current experiences? Have you experienced the courses of action that result from zeteophobia? How has your environment (including the people with whom you have interacted, beliefs that have been pressed upon you, and modeling that you have been shown) affected your career decisions? What is the strongest influence on your career decisions? Why does it continue to influence you? What will the impact of that influence be? Write your response, including your answers to the above questions, in a 300-550 word (3-5 paragraph) reflection. This will be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

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