IANS (FORM) 94 (as at 28 Feb 2019)
Name: ____________________________________ Submission Date: _________________
Participant Number: __________________________________ Hospital: ___________________
Overall Comment:
Signature of Mentor: ___________________________
Name (in block letters): ( )
Ward/ Hospital: ____________Tel:________________
Signature of Mentor i/c / VL: ______________________
Name (in block letters): ( )
Ward/ Hospital: ____________Tel:________________
Assessment Contents | Marks Allocated | Marks Gained |
1. Introduction / Learning Objectives | 5% | |
2. Diagnosis(es) & Applied Physiology | 10% | |
3. Patient Care Plan : (Clarity/Adequacy/Relevancy) a. Patient Profile & Nursing Assessment b. Nursing Diagnosis(es) / Identification of Patient’s Problems c. Setting of Goals / Expected Outcomes d. Implementation of Care Plan / Nursing Interventions e. Evaluation of Care | 15% | |
10% | ||
5% | ||
15% | ||
10% | ||
4. Related Pharmacology | 5% | |
5. Conclusion/ Discussion/ Recommendation/ Reflection | 10% | |
6. References | 5% | |
7. Presentation: – writing skill & organization of materials | 10% | |
Total Mark | 100% |
IANS (FORM) 94 (as at 28 Feb 2019)
Suggested Format for Patient Care Study
1. Cover page
include course title, assignment title, name +/- number of learner, parent hospital +/- seconded
hospital, name of mentor
2. Table of Content
3. Introduction / Learning Objectives
state the reason of choosing this patient for study
state the learning objectives / your expectations to learn in this study
4. Diagnosis(es) & applied physiology
state the diagnosis(es), the disease process and the management, briefly explain with related
anatomy & physiology (detail information can be submitted as appendix)
5. Patient Care Plan:
demonstrate holistic care with collaboration with other health care professionals whenever necessary
formulate an individualized care plan using Nursing Process Approach
a. Patient’s profile and Nursing Assessment
include patient’s social-demographic data, medical history and clinical information
perform comprehensive nursing assessment including specialty specific assessment
methods / tools
b. Nursing Diagnosis(es) / Identification of Patient’s Problems
the identified problems or health issues should be evidenced by the data found in patient profile /
nursing assessment
c. Setting of Goals / Expected Outcomes
should be measurable, realistic and with time-frame
d. Implementation of Care Plan / Nursing Interventions
describe appropriate interventions with rationales
monitor the progress if having collaborated with other health care professionals
e. Evaluation of care
Evaluate the progress and outcomes; review the care plan in accordance with
the evaluation data
6. Related Pharmacology
state the actions, uses and side-effects of the main types of drugs prescribed to the patient
describe the nursing implications and the related health advice for patient
if there is no drug prescribed to the patient, learner can demonstrate their knowledge by stating
some commonly used drug(s) for the disease(s) that the patient is suffering from.
7. Conclusion/ Discussion/ Recommendation/ Reflection
conclude, discuss, reflect or make recommendation on the care process with regard to the particular
patient or to the specialty practice.
8. References
use a proper and consistent referencing style / format, preferably APA format
include at least 5 different referencing sources
9. Appendix
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