NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay
NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay


The primary objective of health promotion programs is to enhance the health of individuals. Health promotion seeks to engage and empower people and the community to adopt healthy behaviors and changes that minimize the risk of developing chronic illnesses or other morbidities. Health promotion is mostly meant to address health social determinants, which entails modifiable health behaviors. The focus would be on health promotion that seeks to prevent falls among the elderly. In implementing a plan, various participants would be vital. The participants involve are Licensed Practical Nurses working in elderly nursing homes. LPNs would be important in reaching out to in various nursing home settings and identifying the elderly needs of intervention to prevent possible falls. LPN deal with over 15 to 30 patients depending on facility rules. Falls happen often due to extremely high nurse patient ratio. Collaborating with the Director of Nursing and implementing a plan that would help lower the number of fall incidents. Examples like hiring extra staff, require extra rounding to high fall risk patients, and even purchasing new beds with bed exit alarms. These are specific objectives that would improve the quality of lives for the elderly, reducing fall-related injuries.

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Best practices for health improvement NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay

Falls are termed as one of the leading causes of non-fatal and unintentional injury deaths among a specific category of individuals. Various evidence-based practices can be taken to reduce the rate of falls among the selected individuals. Firstly, community-based interventions are one of the measures that can reduce falls. It would involve Licensed Practical Nurses who would be vital in providing information about the program’s target. For fall prevention messages to gain grassroots in communities, there should be efforts to reach out service network for that particular group and incorporate the public health system (Frieson et al., 2018). The community setting is the starting point where people prone to high risk of falls are identified and put into the learning process. Attaining the health promotion program’s objectives would be to use trained individuals to reach the program’s targeted population.

Secondly, efforts associated with clinical integration and intervention would be vital in preventing falls. In many cases, the people who are prone to falls interact with the healthcare providers, medical professionals, and the general healthcare system. There the integration of community prevention efforts can be successful since all the members. Based on the recommendation offered by medical professionals, the community members can learn critical approaches to reducing or preventing falls.

Thirdly, the establishment of policies and systems would be essential in preventing falls. Since various measures are taken to avoid or reduce falls, a lack of systems or procedures to support the prevention strategies makes the efforts unfruitful. The prevention system includes coordination of activities initiated by associations or bodies representing the targeted population. The collaboration between various multidisciplinary agencies facilitates the smooth implementation of strategies formulated to curb falls.

Population affected by the health concern

The health program targets older individuals who are 65 years and above. Falls and fall-related injuries are a global health issue associated with senior citizens aged 65 years and above. Falls account for a considerable number of older adult’s deaths. In case the falls fail to cause death, they cause reduced mobility, hospitalization, injury, loss of independence, early death, and placement in nursing homes—one in four Americans aged 65 years and above experiences a fall annually. About 2.8 million cases of falls are treated annually in the emergency department, 800000 hospitalized, and 27000 deaths are reported (Frieson et al., 2018). Besides affecting the older individuals, falls also affect the society as the immediate family members are required to take care of the injured person.  NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program essay

Importance of establishing health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants

The fall prevention program was based on the primary purpose of establishing evidence practices that would minimize falls and fall-related injuries among senior citizens within the community. Various aspects can be addressed through the health promotion program. A systematic review would be selected to collect and summarize the evidence created from the proposed practices. The provision of education would be organized alongside the existing bodies representing the aged. Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (STEADI) Toolkit is vital in addressing falls among the elderly (Houry et al., 2016). The toolkit was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). People in organizations advocating for the rights of older should understand that the tool kit is applied to guarantee the targeted group’s safety.

The program’s purpose would be guided by objectives such as prevention of falls, reduction of deaths emanating from falls, education on the aged, and other safety goals. The program would seek to integrate the care providers. In many cases, old people often visit healthcare services; therefore, incorporating the clinicians would a vital step in reducing the rate of falls. For example, the care providers can be urged to guide older people on safety mechanisms such as wearing appropriate shoes and calling for assistance when they experience a fall.

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Program

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