Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your health care experiences that “kept you up at night” – something that weighed on your conscience, morals or values.

Please respond to 2 students

1. I have been employed at a correctional facility for 3 years now and have encountered many ethical dilemmas. I work as a licensed practical nurse there. Many times I experience difficulties caring for patients due to security concerns. I understand that security and my protection is most important but as a nurse I have a duty to care for the best interests of my patient.

I remember there was a situation where one of the patients was involved with a use of force with officers. He received injuries that needed to more intensive care than the equipment we are supplied with at the correctional facility. The healthcare provider deemed it necessary to sent patient out of the facility to hospital. Patient was deemed stable enough to be escorted to hospital by correctional facility personnel instead of emergency vehicle like EMS or ambulance. However, it was approaching tour change for officers and they would be able to sent patients out until 5 pm. It was currently 2 pm. This is a severe delay in care. As medical professionals, we have a code of ethics principles of nonmaleficence (Taylor et al., 2019). This principle is the obligation to do no harm or inflict harm intentionally (Taylor et al., 2019). Allowing this patient experience this delay can be very harmful to patient. We must provide care that avoids or minimize risk to patients (Taylor et al., 2019). Our obligation to patient is to act on the principle of beneficence which is to do good, contribute to welfare of patients and provide benefits to patients (Taylor et al., 2019). By using the principle the Charge nurse and I advocated for patient and suggest to healthcare provider to send patient by EMS to avoid risk to patient and delay in care.

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Taylor, C., Lynn, P., & Bartlett, J. L. (2019). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care 9th edition. Wolters Kluwer

2. Module 5 Discussion:

In your initial discussion post, please address the following questions, based on your readings and research:

Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your health care experiences that “kept you up at night” – something that weighed on your conscience, morals or values.
Identify what ethical principles relate to the situation you described.
Describe how you would use the American Nurses Association Code for Nurses (p. 105, Taylor) to help you resolve the ethical dilemma


Most of my nursing career was one with little to no bumps in the road, thankfully. A dilemma I face that weighed heavily on my conscience would be at my first nursing job. I had just passed my boards and three months later I was working full-time on a dementia unit at a nursing home .I worked with some very great individuals. There was a CNA who would out-work all of her co-workers, she was the best .What you needed , she would have done probably before you even asked .Unfortunately , she was addicted to drugs . She was caught nodding out at work as well as doing drugs in the employee bathrooms. I began to worry about her safety and the safety of my patients when they were in her care but I didn’t want her to lose her job , so you can understand the dilemma that I faced. I just wanted her to get help. She was eventually fired due to her behavior but it certainly “kept me up at night” .
2.The healthcare industry can often be demanding and stressful to its members. In attempts to cope, some may begin to engage in dysfunctional behaviors, such as drinking or drug use .When healthcare workers provide care while under the influence , it threatens patient safety .In health care we have ethical responsibilities to apply with all patients, families and health care professional interactions. We are to address anything that may threaten the delivery of safe and competent care .

3.The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses explains the nurses primary commitment is to the patient and family.The patients safety , needs and concerns must take priority over a person or act that may threaten these values.Always remembering this point can help a nurse when faced with ethical dilemmas.We at times must be advocates for change, when faced with dilemmas that may disrupt a patient’s health status.After evaluating the code of ethics I would know and value my role as a professional nurse and the impact I have on the care of my patient’s and this will allow me to take any necessary steps to ensure this value is held high.


Nursing under the influence: A relational ethics perspective. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Ana Code of ethics for nurses – rutgers school of nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from


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