1. Are contractually-stipulated cooperation programs between unions and management a realistic and workable concept? Why or why not?
2. What do you think is the optimal design for grievance proceedings in a union contract? Should mediation-style resolution first be attempted? When and how should arbitration be used in the process?
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Contractually Stipulated Cooperation Programs
I believe that such agreements are not only workable but also realistic as they are critical and beneficial to both parties. In most cases, unions engage in such agreements to protect the interest of their members in terms of salary increment, upgrade on job scales, good working conditions and many other important considerations. On the other hand, management agree to collective bargaining agreements to avert possible strikes that could paralyze the smooth running of their organizations. It has also been proven that by engaging in such agreements, management seeks to improve the terms and working conditions in order to boost employee morale (Kim & Margalit, 2017). When employees feel their welfare is well taken care of, they work their best hence improving the much needed productivity. Even in time of disagreements, such cooperation programs act as a bridge/hope for better relations between the parties…
Optimal Design for Grievance Proceedings
Union agreements are never smooth sailing and hence disagreements will always come up. What matters therefore is how soon and in which way such grievances are sorted. I believe mediation-style resolution has to be attempted. Using a neutral mediator helps the parties to engage in constructive discussion as well as negotiation of the issues at hand as a way of arriving a resolution that is mutually acceptable. The third party helps maintain communication between the two parties in order to reach an agreement. Arbitration comes after mediation when a third party is given all facts so that they make decisions on how the dispute is to be resolved. Arbitration can therefore only be used as a last resort when the other mechanisms have been…
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