Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Costumer Relationship Management

– How does employee training and motivation affect customer enhancement?

– What role does store lay-out and merchandising play?


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How Employee Training and Motivation Affect Customer Enhancement

The primary goal of every organization is to serve a huge market share as well maintaining customer satisfaction through the production of goods and provision of services that meet customer needs. Therefore, satisfied employees are of important value to help the organization promote customer satisfaction. A smart company invest in employee training and motivation programs in order to enhance their skills in customer interaction and communication. Good customer services are guided by careful listening and attending to clients’ desires and needs (Kumar & Pansari, 2016). Employees that are not only eager to learn new knowledge have a great influence on customer buying behavior. When employees are well trained and motivated, they will take care of the interest of their customers with a lot of ease. In any organization, employees must possess the ability to not only understand but also solve the needs of specific customers in a manner that is courteous (Mehta & Chugan, 2013). Trainings also helps employees get equipped with knowledge and skills on how to understand the needs of customers and arise to the occasion to help them. Furthermore, when employees are satisfied, they work with minimal supervision, deliver results on time as well as possess the desire to be more productive. All these advantages will eventually be forwarded as benefits t…

Role of Store Lay Out and Merchandising

Store layout refers to the manner in which a store’s retail floor is designed while merchandising can be defined as the way items are displayed within the very layout of the store for the sake of enticing shoppers to purchase. Major roles of store lay out and merchandising include helping the firm to maximize sales per square foot, help predict consumer behavior, provoke cross-brand sales, foster positive attitudes, and deter shoplifters (Mehta & Chugan, 2013). Other than influencing the way customers behave and locating priority items on specific stores, store layout helps retail operators to easily estimate how much they can get as revenue per square foot and hence help evaluate possible strengths and weaknesses within the merchandising mix (Mehta & Chugan, 2013). It is also the easiest way for retailers to manage any kind of promotion they have for their customers. As a strategy to entice and attract customers, merchandising can be convenient for both c…

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