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Write a 8 pages paper on clear ways in which civil engineers have decided to face the issue of global warming.

Write a 8 pages paper on clear ways in which civil engineers have decided to face the issue of global warming. Global warming is affecting the world of today. Global warming is the gradual increase in the earth’s temperature as a result of the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Ramnarayan Chattopadhya, 2004). These gases are always emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. The greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and many others more (Organisation, 2002). The world needs to understand global warming, and its effects on the world we are living in. In this way, a person will try to analyze if the activities he or she is involved in and whether it contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases.

The only way to reduce the number of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere is by making aware of the effect of globalization. Some of the human activities that contribute to global warming include bush burning, charcoal burning, methane produces from the production of biogas, and deforestation (Global warming. 2009), (Tom Shipley, 2011). As the world is heavily investing in industrialization, the number of industries in the world is on the rise. This has majorly contributed to the large release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This paper is clearly going to identify some of the effects of global warming, the contribution of civil engineering on the issue of global warming, and the advantages of reducing global warming. When fighting global warming everybody’s effort is needed (Natalie Goldstein, Global warming 2009). Furthermore, Civil Engineering can play a role in reducing global warming.

Global warming has an effect on everybody, the farmers, the industries, and even the engineers. In Civil Engineering, the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere has greatly contributed to the high temperature that is experienced in the world of today (U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2009).&nbsp.This high temperature has contributed to drought areas, warming of the ocean surface, and bigger and abrupt floods.&nbsp.

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