BSL 4040, Communication Skills for Leaders

There are 5 different questions. Please answer separately1.Present three of the five types of organizational power. Provide a description of each type, a real-life example or scenario of a person with that power, as well as any potential abuses of that power. Your response must be at least 200 words in length..2.Define four of the five leadership approaches. Give a real-life scenario or example for each approach. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.3.Describe the concept of organizational culture. Include how organizational culture can be used to effectively lead and what factors can contribute to that culture. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.4.Describe four of the eight nonverbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.5.Illustrate three of the six ways of communicating supportive verbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

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Awareness and Communication
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Diagnose effective communication methods for leaders.
    1.1 Define the leadership approaches.
  2. Discuss how various factors impact communication.
    2.1 Explain organizational culture and how it is communicated.
    2.2 Differentiate the three aspects of communicating clear verbal messages: being concrete, being
    concise, and being relevant.
  3. Explain how effective listening and communication enhances conflict management skills.
    3.1 Analyze the types of organizational power and the potential abuses of power that exist.
    3.2 Illustrate the six strategies for supportive verbal communication.
    3.3 Explain eight strategies for using nonverbal messages to enhance leadership.
    Learning Outcomes
    Learning Activity
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 2
    Unit II Assessment
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 2
    Unit II Assessment
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 3
    Unit II Assessment
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 3
    Unit II Assessment
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 3
    Unit II Assessment
    Unit Lesson
    Chapter 3
    Unit II Assessment
    Reading Assignment
    Chapter 2: Being Aware of How You Communicate at Work
    Chapter 3: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
    In order to access the following resources, click the links below:
    Root, T., & McKay, S. (2014). Student awareness of the use of social media screening by prospective
    employers. Journal of Education for Business, 89(4), 202–206. Retrieved from
    BSL 4040, Communication Skills for Leaders
    Roebuck, D. B., Bell, R. L., Raina, R., & Lee, C. E. (2016). Comparing perceived
    x STUDY
    differences between managers and nonmanagers living in the United Title
    States, India, and Malaysia.
    International Journal of Business Communication, 53(4), 485–518. Retrieved from
    Unit Lesson
    The unit lessons for this course are presented through interactive presentations. To view the presentation,
    click on the link below. Once you are finished reading the slide, click on the “Next” button on the bottom right
    of the slide. To go to a previous slide, click “Back.” Some slides contain interactive elements that open
    additional screens.
    Click here to access the Unit II Lesson presentation.
    The lesson also includes videos. The links to the transcripts for these videos can be found below.
    Click here to access the Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe video transcript.
    Click here to access the Do Our Bodies Change Our Minds? video transcript.
    Click here to access the High-Power Poses video transcript.
    Click here to access the Results of Power Pose Experiment video transcript.
    Click here to access the Power Posing and the Job Interview video transcript.
    Suggested Reading
    In order to access the following resources, click the links below:
    Using literature from impression formation and social information processing theory, the article below
    examines the impact of communication styles on impression formation and durability in a mediated
    environment. Looking at common writing styles found in the workplace, including e-mails, emoticons,
    uppercase, lowercase, and typographical errors, the authors examine how message receivers evaluate
    senders using these styles.
    Brown, S. A., Fuller, R., & Thatcher, S. M. B. (2016). Impression formation and durability in mediated
    communication. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(9), 614–647. Retrieved from
    Learning Activities (Nongraded)
    Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
    them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.
    Read the short case study on page 18 in your textbook, “Communication Ethics @ Work,” involving a tweet.
    Address the questions posed, and evaluate what you would do as a supervisor to manage this situation.
    BSL 4040, Communication Skills for Leaders

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