Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Healthcare expenditures have a tremendous impact on the cost of healthcare services, yet how do we measure the value or return on investment of healthcare expenditures?

Healthcare expenditures have a tremendous impact on the cost of healthcare services, yet how do we measure the value or return on investment of healthcare expenditures?

From your own research into value and cost in healthcare, identify why healthcare costs are so high per capita in the U.S. and your suggestion(s) for how to control these costs.

Focus on the ethics of healthcare expenditures. Specifically, how do you measure effectiveness? What is the Return On Investment of different technologies or medications?

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Explore the value of healthcare costs. Provide some suggestions for how to control these costs, too.

Suggested 4 pages. APA formatting is required. A minimum of 4 academic references are required.

Persuasive essay on Healthful eating and exercise

Topic: Healthful eating and exercise

Target audience: Working adults ages 30-50 

Format: APA


A.  Describe your intended audience and why the topic is important to this audience (suggested length of 2–5 sentences).

B.  Create a presentation plan (e.g., outline) for a five- to seven-minute presentation on your chosen topic by including the following parts:

1.  An effective introduction that includes the following aspects:

•   an attention-getting opening

•   a thesis statement

•   a preview of the main points of the presentation

Note: For a five- to seven-minute speech, two to three main points are recommended.

2.  Supporting evidence (e.g., statistics, published research) for the main points

Note: Avoid using personal opinion, personal research, or personal experience as your supporting evidence.

3.  an effective conclusion that includes a summary of the main points and closing comments.

4.  a minimum of three credible sources

a.  Acknowledge sources within the text for all  content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and provide a reference list that includes the author, date of publication, title, and location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL) for each  source. APA citation style is strongly encouraged.

Note: Refer to the attached APA Guide for Communication Performance Tasks if needed.

C.   Attach one visual element (e.g., chart, graph, picture, model) that supports one of the main points with acknowledgement of any source information used.

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