Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Describe the phases of the development process in a one-page essay.

Case Study #10:  Describe the phases of the development process in a one-page essay.

2) Classroom assignment #10:   Describe the phases of a project in a one-page essay.

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Explain the difference between routine business activities and projects.

Describe the five major phases of a project.

Construct a Gantt chart or project network diagram, and use these tools to manage a project.

Describe some of the key features and advantages of project management software.

Describe what the Project Management Institute is, and what type of information can be found in the Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ®)

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Project – A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.

Projects have clear starting and ending points after which the people and resources dedicated to the project are reassigned.

Projects are non-routine, can be large or small, and may be difficult to manage.

Projects typically require significant levels of cross-functional and interorganizational coordination.

© 2013 Project Management Institute

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The Growing Importance of Project Management

Project Management – The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

Project Management is gaining importance as a management discipline due to:

Companies accepting the fact that complex projects can be managed well.

Professional organizations such as the Project Management Institute have emerged.

The pace of strategic change has quickened.

The traditional role of middle management has shrunk.

© 2013 Project Management Institute

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.



Project Phases

Concept Phase

Project Definition Phase

Planning Phase

Performance Phase

Postcompletion Phase

Figure 14.1

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Project Phases

Concept Phase

The first of five phases of a project where project planners develop a broad definition of what the project is and what its scope will be.

Outputs – initial budget estimates, estimates of personnel needed, and required completion dates.

Project Definition Phase

The second of five phases of a project where project planners identify how to accomplish the work, how to organize for the project,

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