Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Nursing Advocacy from grassroot level to healthcare policy.

Advocacy for Vulnerable Patients: How Grassroots Organizations Can Influence
Health Care Policy. Discuss a patient care issue or issue impacting professional nursing at the local level which, through nursing leadership, resulted in a policy change at the local, state(California) or national level.


The state of California enacted a law that mandated one nurse to every five patients ratio in hospital wards and similarly, one nurse for every two Intensive Care patients (Leigh, 2015). These ratios were generally much higher than the existing ones before the enactment of the law in 2004. The main aim of the legislation was to improve the care of patients and despite there be no consensus, research suggests a positive impact of the legislation concerning patient care in various areas (Leigh, 2015). This legislation was responding…

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Through influence from various institutions such as the Service Employees International Union and the California Nurses Association helped drive the staffing concerns into the political limelight (Leigh, 2015). Pressure from the institutions compelled political leaders to form the California Strategic Planning Committee for Nursing that predicted the existing and future changes. The Committee…

Based on the legislation, Congress has been reviewing the option of making it a national requirement. The new proposals include the federal’s government Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Acts (S.2353 and H.R.1821) (Clavreful, n.d.) which apply to all hospitals participating in the Medicare program. However, the Acts will be different from the California legislation. The federal law requires every hospital to create a committee where more than half must be RNs giving direct care to patients. The committee will be responsible for creating the staffing strategies depending on patient awareness, nurse experience among other issues. The new system will allow nurse managers to match patients with nurses based on the skill and knowledge of…

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