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A 52-year-old man was recently discharged from the hospital following treatment for atrial fibrillation. He was discharged on Warfarin 5 mg po q day and Amiodarone 200 mg tid. His INR is 8.8. What interaction has occurred with these 2 medications? What changes in his medications would you make?

A 52-year-old man was recently discharged from the hospital following treatment for atrial fibrillation. He was discharged on Warfarin 5 mg po q day and Amiodarone 200 mg tid. His INR is 8.8. What interaction has occurred with these 2 medications? What changes in his medications would you make?

NURS 6521 Week 2 Assignment

Directions: For each of the scenarios below, answer the questions below using your required learning resources, clinical practice guidelines, medscape and JNC 8. Explain the problem and explain how you would address the problem. When recommending medications, write out a complete prescription for each medication. What order would you send to a pharmacy? Include drug, dose, route, frequency, special instructions, # dispensed (days supply), refills, etc. Also state if you would continue, discontinue or taper the patient’s current medications. Use at least 3 sources for each scenario and cite sources using APA format.

            •           A 52-year-old man was recently discharged from the hospital following treatment for atrial fibrillation. He was discharged on Warfarin 5 mg po q day and Amiodarone 200 mg tid. His INR is 8.8. What interaction has occurred with these 2 medications? What changes in his medications would you make?

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            •            A 44-year-old women is currently taking Glipizide and Phenytoin. She has a new prescription for Ceftriaxone. All three medications are known to be highly protein bound. What effect does protein binding have on drug availability? How would you manage this patient’s medication? 

            •           Name two drugs that are highly affected by the first pass effect. As a prescriber, what actions would you take in prescribing these drugs to counter the first pass effect? 

            •           James is a 49-year-old male that was prescribed atenolol for his high blood pressure. James states that he only occasionally takes the medication because he does not like the side effects. What information would you provide to the patient at his visit? How would you manage his medication? What alternative might you prescribe (include a complete medication order)?

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