Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

A small or medium (SME) UK manufacturing company is considering expanding into mainland Europe (one EU country) in June 2022

Individual Written assignment (100%)
Each student will complete the following assignment (3000 words
maximum, +/- 10%):
A small UK manufacturing company is considering expanding into mainland
Europe in June 2022.
Critically evaluate what particular aspects of the business environment it
must take into account when assessing the decision to internationalise or
You must use example(s) to illustrate your answer.
PLEASE NOTE: If you submit a basic PESTLE analysis then you will fail
BMG 705 Assignment Outline
– Introduction
● Research background on reason for expansion etc….
– Company Outline
● Why expanding and why in the chosen European country
– Comparison on countries (UK and chosen EU country) based
on global business environment
● This must include Cultural, Economic, Political and Legal aspects.
Students are welcome to add any other important factors if they
deem necessary.
– Entry Mode Analysis – Mode of Expansion and why
– Recommendations (based on key findings)
– Conclusion
In addition you need to think what academic models can you use and
perhaps where and how. A good starting point would be lecture slides.
Country Choice
•​Choose any EU country (one only)
•​Compare this country with the UK
Word Count
•3000 words
•10% allowance
•Word count starts from the beginning of the intorudtcion & finishes with the
end of the conclusion
100 words approx.
Research background on reason for expansion etc.
Company Outline
200 words approx.
•A little about the company & what they make
•Why expanding
•Why in the chosen European country
Comparison on Countries (UK & chosen EU country)
2000 words approx.
•This must include Cultural, Economic, Political & Legal aspects
•Students are welcome to add one or two other important factors if they
deem necessary
•Format 1 – 5 factors x 400 words = 2000 words
•Format 2 – 6 factors x 350 words = 2100 words
•Do not investigate more than six factors!!!!
Entry Mode Analysis
400 words approx.
•Discuss chosen mode of expansion & why
200 words approx.
•Based on key findings
Must include evidence about the chosen company
•A screenshot or other evidence showing that it is a “UK manufacturing
•A screenshot or other evidence showing that it is an SME e.g. from
companies house filing histry

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