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Analysis Essay 2

In this essay, you will provide an overview of the server-side and client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system. You will then focus the bulk of your essay on analyzing the competitive advantage that your information system provides to users of the system (or to the company who created and maintains the system) and on proposing your own recommendations for improving and enhancing the information system with additional features and functionality.

Introduction 5
Analysis of the server-side hardware requirements of the information system 5
Analysis of the server-side software requirements of the information system 5
Analysis of the client-side hardware requirements of the information system 5
Analysis of the client-side software requirements of the information system 5
Analysis of competitive advantage provided by the information system 20
Your three recommendations for enhancing/improving your IS with additional features and functionality 30
Conclusion 5


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Defense travel system can be described as a multimillion IS that is created by Northrop Grumman in order make official travel management easier. The system is web based with a user interface which give members an opportunity to come up with their own travel authorizations and even process them. When they come back from their trip, travelers are given the opportunity to come up with as well as process tickets as a way of finalizing on their trips. In order to make payments or have reimbursements, members have the provision to link the system to their personal bank. Before this system came up, military personnel had to have their order processed via DD form 1610. Despite being in pdf format, the person travelling had to completely fill in the form before routing it within their unit or rather squadron. After all sections were approved, the form had to be forwarded up the chain of command to the hosting group before further approvals. The finance office would be the last point of call as far as making of payments after all approvals have been made is concerned. As described, this was a very tedious process that had to be followed however unfortunately long it was. It made it difficult for short notice travelling to be realized as well as being prone to many errors.

DTS however made maters easy as all the undertakings are automated using the web based server. In case of any errors, the process would not go to the next level of approval as the system can quickly detect and inform the user for appropriate correction. Furthermore, the use of DTS is important as it allows users to gain access to other services such as online hotel booking as well as reserving of rental cars. This is so much unlike before where people had to manually search for either reservations or cheap options. The manual process was quite cumbersome as well as hard to use for first timers. The longer time it was taking people meant that they had to lose some money as they make special requests for change of flights or cancellation of reservations…

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