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Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Reflection

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Reflection Kelcie Aniu Grand Canyon University: PSY 102September 26, 2020 Applying Psychology to Everyday Life As you live your life you can notice that psychology is everywhere. From the moment you take your first breath in this world to the moment you take your last breath; psychology can be applied. After spending about seven weeks in this Psychology 102 class I have learned manythings since this class first started that I can apply to my life. While we discussed the topics ofpersonalities, sleep, memory, motivation, stress, lifespan development, and sensations I was ableto take these a find a way to use them in my everyday lifestyle. I received very valuableinformation that I can use in my future life as a businesswoman, but also in my present life as ahigh school student and a daughter to my parents. I have come to a realization that the newknowledge of psychology that I have some to learn can I can use these things in my personal life,academic life, and professional life. This reflection will go over on how I can use these things inthe different aspects in my life.As this college class is coming to an end there are certain topics that we have discussed that align with things that can or have occurred in my personal life. As a 16-year-old studentathlete a topic that stuck out to me the most would be sleep and how it can affect my overallhealth and well-being. The lack of sleep can cause fatigue which may affect a pers …

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