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Assignment 2: Application: Process Recordings ESSAY

Assignment 2: Application: Process Recordings ESSAY

A process recording is a written tool field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty use to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the purpose of interviews and interventions, identify personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and improve self-awareness. The process recording is also a useful tool in exploring the interpersonal dynamics and values operating between you and the client system through an analysis of filtering the process used in recording a session.

For this Assignment, you will submit a process recording of your field education experiences specific to this week.

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The Assignment (2–4 pages):

  • Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.
  • Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice or theories, and explain how it might relate to assessment covered this week.
  • Describe your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client during your field education experience.
  • Explain how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities during your process recording.

Required Readings

Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Chapter 6, “Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Individuals and Families” (pp. 117-154)

Savaya, R., & Gardner, F. (2012). Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Social Work, 57(2), 145–154.

my process recording

Today I met with the client and she was very upset about her job. It’s becoming very demanding and stressful. She was about to walk off the job.   I explained to her that in such a situation sometimes you need to take a break  and regroup and start again. The client mentioned to me there’s a possibility  she might be meeting her biological father in August but she is not sure if she wants to open that chapter in her life. The man that raised her from a baby feels it’s not a good idea for her to meet her biological father because the outcome might not go well. I explained to her that the decision is for her to decide no one can make that decision for her on meeting her biological father.  The clients feel the man that raised her from a baby feels the relationship between her and him may change.   The client expressed that the relationship with the man that raised her is not going to change, it is still going to be the same because that’s the only father she knows. During the session we talked about communication in her relationship. I explained to her that communication plays a big role in the relationship. She revealed to me that there is a lack of communication in her relationship. I asked if her boyfriend was open to couples therapy she said no according to her boyfriend nothing wrong with the relationship so why should he go to therapy.   I explained to her that if there’s no communication in the relationship it is always going to be a problem and they have to work on establishing communication to improve their relationship. 

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