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Assignment: Analyzing Body Language essay

Assignment: Analyzing Body Language

Textbook(Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018). The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Chapter 7, 8

· APA style manual

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Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.

For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream (Links to an external site.) speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movement (Links to an external site.) and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches.

· Importance of body language while delivering the speech.

· Gestures, cadence and delivery style.

Answer the following

1. Provide a summary of the two speeches.

2. Compare Dr. King’s leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza’s speech. What are the similarities, if any? What are the differences, if any?

3. How does the location of the speeches support their messaging? Dr. King’s speech was held in a church and at the Lincoln Memorial, whereas today we have social networking and more avenues to relay messages. Does messaging make a difference?

4. Describe how the audience in Dr. King’s speeches relate to the Alicia Garza’s audience. Do you see a similarity or differences in the speeches and in the audience?

Paper Requirements (APA format)

· Length: 3 pages of substantive content (not including the title and reference pages)

· 12 pt font

· Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style??

· References page (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome)?. At least one of the references should be a state constitution.

· Title and introduction pages are present.


This activity will be graded based on the Written Assignment Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 4, 6

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Week 3 – Analyzing Body Language

Week 3 – Analyzing Body Language

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