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Assignment – Operations Security Essay

Assignment – Operations Security
Create an Incident Response Policy
Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Create an incident response policy for a health care organization.

Explore policy creation for incident response for a health care organization.
Assignment Requirements

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You are a security professional for a large, private health care organization. Users have access to file and application servers, as well as data storage facilities that contain customer health information and personally identifiable information (PII).

Sean, your manager, has been asked to provide the latest version of the organization’s incident response policy. To his knowledge, no policy exists. He has asked you to research and create an incident response policy.

For this assignment:

  1. Look for at least two incident response policies for organizations of a similar type to your organization.
  2. Download NIST “Computer Security Incident Handling Guide” SP 800-61 Rev 2 located at .
  3. Based on your research, create an initial draft of a high-level incident response policy for your organization. Consider Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other health care–related compliance requirements.
  4. Create a summary report that includes the draft policy and justifies the content you included in the draft policy.
  5. Provide citations for your sources.
    Required Resources

Course textbook

Internet access
Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space

Citation Style: APA

Length: 4–6 pages


Title: Security Policies and Implementation Issues


ISBN: 99781284200003

Authors: Robert Johnson, Chuck Easttom

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

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