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Benchmark – Best Practices Presentation ESSAY

Benchmark – Best Practices Presentation
Assessment Description
Your principal has noticed how well you communicate learning objectives, guide students to set individual goals, and guide students to self-assess and track their progress. Because of your successes using these best practices, he has asked you to present these methods in an upcoming professional development.
Part 1: Best Practices Presentation
For this benchmark assignment, create a 10-12 slide digital presentation of evidence-based best practices related to progress monitoring, communicating learning objectives, self-assessment, and providing effective feedback.
The presentation should include the following components:
• How you communicate learning objectives to your class and measure student performance of the identified learning objectives.
• How you work collaboratively with students to establish learning goals and track individual progress.
• How you assist students in analyzing their work, assessment results, and keeping track of their own progress.
• How you provide effective, descriptive feedback to your students.
Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Part 2: Summary
In 500-750 words summarize and examine the process of implementing your best practices in communicating objectives, progress monitoring, and providing effective feedback.
Answer the following in your summary:
• What is the value of analyzing performance data? Discuss the influence instructional planning has on gaps and patterns.
• How can the best practices included in your presentation inform instructional planning? How are learning gaps and patterns addressed?
• How does the classroom climate influence students’ confidence in learning independently and taking ownership of their academic progress?
• How does inquiry and the development of higher-order skills promote student engagement and motivation to learn?
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Submit your presentation and reflection as one deliverable.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
MEd Elementary Education
3.4: Use their knowledge and understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior among students at the 1-8 level to create opportunities for students\’ active engagement in learning, self-motivation, and positive social interaction. [ACEI 3.4; InTASC 7(n); ISTE-T 1c, 2b; MC2, MC4]
4.2: Examine performance data to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning, and to inform instructional planning based on identified learning gaps and patterns. [ACEI 4.0; InTASC 6(c), 6(f), 6(l), 7(l); MC2]
4.3: Continuously monitor student progress to provide effective descriptive feedback, and collaboratively establish learning goals, assisting students in identifying quality work and analyzing their own assessment results. [ACEI 4.0; InTASC 6(d), 6(m), 6(n), 6 (q), 6(s); MC1, MC2]

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