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Best Topics For A Nursing Capstone Project

Looking for new ideas for your nursing capstone project? Find actual topics about behavioral health, patient management, medical data analysis, children’s healthcare, prevention of obesity, diabetes, emergency planning and many others in our article below.

What Is Nursing Capstone Project?

A nursing capstone project is an academic paper that utilizes facts, experiments, and practical work experience to improve the professional skills of nursing students. A capstone paper should make an effective argument, which it is important to choose a topic that will interest both you while writing it as well as the person eventually evaluating it. Therefore, picking a capstone project idea that is relevant to your previous experience and future career is of the utmost importance.

This project usually comes during the final stage of a nursing student’s education. It allows the student to demonstrate theoretical competence as well as the trajectory of their career post-graduation.

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25 Great Ideas For A Nursing Capstone Project

Nursing students are usually more engaged in practical activities while attaining their degrees. However, towards the end of their studies, they have to write a capstone project outline about the features of medical care in order to get a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) or MSN (Master of Science in Nursing). Nursing capstone project topics must be relevant and meet modern scientific development requirements. Additionally, the capstone must reflect modern health issues that are based in practice and consistent with one or more professional modules. When planning your paper, the topic should reflect the applied nature of the topic as well as the future activities of the specialist.

When choosing a topic, the capstone project might be based on:

  • A generalization of previously completed work.
  • The application of competence-oriented tasks before the qualification exam.

A sample list of ideas for a nursing capstone project:

  1. Clinical utility of a cardiac skills checklist for teens.
  2. Transitioning from student to RN: Bridging the gap with simulation.
  3. Implementation of a bedside shift report.
  4. Quality of life for a patient with congestive heart failure.
  5. Dimensional analysis: An easy method for dosage calculations.
  6. Diabetes and asthma education in African American populations in nursing homes.
  7. Pain management improvements in post-anesthesia care units.
  8. Lyme disease prevention.
  9. Management and prevention of diabetes. (Also, we have some examples of essays on Diabetes)
  10. Public health advocacy to improve healthcare access for pregnant women in rural settings.
  11. Dementia patient management using non-pharmacological methods.
  12. Treatment and prevention of obesity among children.
  13. HPV vaccination and awareness.
  14. Prevention of re-admissions for stroke patients.
  15. Breastfeeding support to improve infant health.
  16. Review of nursing roles.
  17. Nursing staff professional development and training.
  18. Coping with patients with ADHD.
  19. Heart monitoring patients with sleep apnea.
  20. Review of visitation models.
  21. Behavioral health interventions to reduce the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases.
  22. Diarrhea prevention with probiotics after antibiotics use.
  23. Patient-centered medical facility strategic planning.
  24. Prevention of dementia patient dysfunctional behavior.
  25. Emergency planning systems.

This is a list of nursing capstone project ideas to get you on track for writing your own. These topics can be challenging and require a great amount of planning and research.


Writing a capstone project is an engaging process if you know the right structure and use the experience of qualified experts who know all the ends and outs of completing one.

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Emergency Nursing Capstone Project Topics

Here is a list of the research project ideas for emergency nursing.

  1. How a Mobile Application can Improve ER Procedures?
  2. Is Tracking Patients in the Emergency with the Help of an App Good for their Friends and Family?
  3. Could Emergency Calls Be Simplified?
  4. How Many People Ride in Ambulances around the World?
  5. What’s the Average Period of Staying in the ER Around the World?
  6. What Items Should Be Replaced in the ER?
  7. How can Colors Affect the ER Patient?
  8. Paying for Staying in the ER – How Can Be the System Improved?
  9. Emergency Nurses Salaries
  10. Should Every Nurse Have an Access to the ER?

Nursing Informatics Capstone Project Ideas

Since computer science has gone beyond computer games, using some informatics concepts in your nursing essay sample would be savvy!

  1. Big Data and Ethics – Can they Coexist?
  2. Automatized Decision Modelling Processes
  3. Biometrics and their Potential Dangers
  4. Can Informatics Be Applied in the Rural Areas?
  5. Which Degree Should Come First – CS or Nursing?
  6. Storage Systems for Seniors
  7. How Should Government Affect the Automatizing Processes?
  8. Assisting Recovering Centers
  9. Means of Data Protection
  10. Specialist Certification

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Capstone Project On Nursing Burnout

Interested in human resource management but working on a nursing paper? Try to combine the elements of both into your nursing project while utilizing previously-learned management tools!

  1. The Effect of Modern Management Techniques on Nurse Burnout
  2. What’s Behind Nurse Burnout and how can Medical Universities Prepare their Students?
  3. The Difference between Western and Eastern Approaches to Nurse Burnout
  4. Preventing Nurse Burnout in the Early Stages
  5. Nurse Burnout and Patient Satisfaction
  6. Nurse Burnout and Patient Safety
  7. Nurse Burnout Affecting Global Turnout
  8. Comparing Nurse Burnout in Cities and Towns
  9. The Impact of Group Therapy on Nurse Burnout
  10. The Impact of 1×1 Meetings on Nurse Burnout

If these ideas overwhelm you, just try to Google any of these topics to find one that speaks out to you. While writing any MSN nursing capstone project can be a pleasure, the hardest thing is to start. Go with an idea that inspires you the most!

Need Nursing Capstone Project Help?

No matter how good you are in medicine, sometimes you may simply not have enough time to write a project. It happens to everyone. Or you can be too busy to prepare capstone project ideas for nursing or pediatric papers. In such moments, you should ask for help from a reliable capstone paper writing service by Papers. We are always ready to help our clients in any difficult situation and at any time.

Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help from professional writers! We have extensive experience and years of honing our professional skills. Entrust your papers to us and get a custom project that guarantees you a satisfying result.

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