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Both relational and multidimensional databases provide information needed to support management decision making.

Both relational and multidimensional databases provide information needed to support management decision making. Which one would you query first as you pull together information to support a semi-structured decision. Why?

This is just a short discussion topic, Just need 250 words, dont have to have sources


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            The creation of a multidimensional database is done from different relational databases. In this case, while relational databases allow the access of data by users in query form, the different multidimensional databases allow users to seek answers by asking analytical questions about the different markets or business trends. Therefore, the one query that I would pull first as I collect information to support a semi-structured decision is multidimensional databases. In multidimensional databases, the presentation of data to the user is done in such a way as to represent a multi-dimensional array or hypercube where the value of individual data is contained within cells accessible by numerous indexes.  My decision to choose multidimensional databases over relational databases is the platform to query first because of several reasons.

One of the reasons is that there is enhanced data presentation and navigation, which makes it easier to generate the necessary information, especially when making semi-structured decisions. Since these decisions require human judgment accompanied by agreeing on the solution method/technique, the multidimensional database has an array structure, which represents a more intelligent data view it contains since my perspective of this type of data is directly embedded into the dimensional structure making up these semi-structured decisions. Lastly, the multidimensional databases presenting a high level of organization means I would query it first as it would provide me with the necessary information needed to make decisions, which will provide an opportunity to make human judgments attributed to how answers from the database are presented. Again, the database will be critical in establishing the ease with which maintenance of the data is achieved…

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