BSN APA Literature Paper

BSN APA Literature Paper

Use these three sources to complete assignment


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• Concisely introduce the topic (this may be descriptive or argumentative) and state its relevance  o State why the issue is important to nursing • Identify problems in healthcare related to the topic that could be solved by conducting this literature review. Identify the gap in literature/knowledge o For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in adolescence you might say something like: There is a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general population. However, research is limited on obesity in the adolescent population. • State the purpose of your literature review – why are you conducting this literature review? Why is this literature review important?


• Explain the sequence of the review; what were the steps taken to conduct your search and in what order; what was included and what was not included in your search  • List the scope of the related literature being investigated. For example, if the topic under consideration is ‘obesity in adolescents’, the scope of the review may be limited to published or unpublished works, works in English, works from a particular location, time period, or conflict, etc.) • Note intentional exclusions. For example, “This review will not explore obesity in adolescents younger than the age of 13.” • Present the methods used including; how was the search conducted; include the databases used, key words, and limiters used. How many articles populated during your search when using your key terms?

Search Results

 State the general findings of your search and comment on the availability of sources in the subject area. What types of studies populated when you conducted your search?

Research Question

 Formulate/create a research question (i.e. what do you want to know about your topic) o A research question is a clear, concise, interrogative statement that is worded in the present tense.  o A research question can include one or more variables and is expressed in a manner to guide the implementation of a study

Study Perspective

 Narrow down the subject (refer to your Literature Summary table/map from HW E); Your 3 articles should be: Quantitative, Primary, and peer-reviewed sources only.  • Review the matter in general terms; what are the notions and details about the subject that readers should know.  • Review of Study 1: State the research questions or hypotheses, measures, treatment/interventions used, purposes, framework (If applicable) and participants. Explain what was achieved as a result of that study. List some demographical information about the participants of the study. • Review of Study 2: State the research questions or hypotheses, measures, treatment/interventions used, purposes, framework (If applicable) and participants. Explain what was achieved as a result of that study. List some demographical information about the participants of the study. In addition, explain the similarities and differences between study 2 and study 1 in terms of methods and research questions. • Review of Study 3: State the research questions or hypotheses, measures, treatment/interventions used, purposes, framework (If applicable) and participants. Explain what was achieved as a result of that study. List some demographical information about the participants of the study. In addition, explain the similarities and differences between all 3 studies in terms of methods and research questions. Identify limitations between the 3 studies.

*Note: Some studies do  not have a hypothesis or a research question. This varies based on the study’s design.


 Bring logical closure to the range of ideas in the paper and discuss the next steps • Mention common findings, pros, and cons of different approaches.  • Identify the studies with more scientific value than others and explain. • Identify questions that remain unanswered; and explain what can and should be done to make up for that.  • Link the study findings to the existing knowledge and identify gaps in the knowledge base.  • Explain how the study findings can be used to support further scientific investigation.

Scholarly Writing

• Scholarly Writing – This paper is to be no more than 6 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Grade for scholarly writing includes but is not limited to inclusion of:  • Title page, use section headings according to APA guidelines (level I, II, III, etc.) and use headings as defined by the objectives of the paper (Only use the headings outlined in this rubric. Using other headings will result in point deductions).  • There are proper APA in-text citations & a reference page that lists all references used. There should be a corresponding in-text citation for every reference used. • Proper sentence and paragraph structure and accurate grammar. Formatting is according to APA style/standards. Paper is proofread and spell-checked. • Your references should be from scholarly sources (for example, peer-reviewed nursing and related journals, published books, educational & government websites, and international authoritative agencies). At least, five (5) sources are cited (3 synthesized articles and 2 additional sources). You may include more resources, if needed.

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