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C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay

C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay

C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay
C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay

C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay

The nursing theory that has influenced my values and goals as a nurse is Dr. Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. In my opinion, patients with someone to care about them and for them often do far better in taking care of themselves and recovery than a patient who does not have any family or someone to provide the basic need of connection with another human being. As a nurse, I make it a
point to go the “extra mile” for my patients and not only provide great care but making them feel cared for.

In providing a caring and trusting atmosphere Dr. Watson believes it promotes healing. Building a trusting relationship and creating a supporting environment for a patient to be educated on their health and helping the patient obtain the resources needed for their best care out of the hospital are all practices of an excellent nurse. All these practices and more fall under Dr. Watson’s nursing
theory. In my current job, I am an interventional radiology nurse. I am with a patient from the time they check in for a procedure until the time I escort them to their car.

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I feel it is important to begin building a trusting relationship where the patient is comfortable in my care from the very first hello.
This may entail a simple hello and warm friendly face or may be creating a safe place for them to ask all their questions so that the patient and family feel at ease. I also help to educate the patient’s and family about their new devices or drains, going over any concerns they may have and ensuring they are comfortable with everything before leaving, as well as providing resources for education after they leave the hospital. These things play a large role in a better outcome for a patient and are a large
part of my daily practice as a nurse.

B. Florence Nightingale is known for her many contributions to the nursing profession. Her theories
helped to lay the groundwork for nursing in the 1800s. Nightingale identified the environmental
aspects that soldiers and citizens needed to heal, the included ventilation, light, cleanliness, diet,
variety, and lack of noise and false hope. She also established nursing education pro

C304 Professional Roles and Values Task 1: Professional Accountability Essay

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