Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program

Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program

I just completed Capella University’s Flex Path RN to BSN program. I went for the summer 2021 quarter. I thought it will be helpful to share my experience.

Would you return to Capella?

Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program
Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program

Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program

First of all, if you are skeptical about if online learning is real learning, you have nothing to worry about with Capella. I can honestly say that I learned more from some of the courses conducted online than I have from courses that I attended, in-person. With that being said, not all professors are great professors, whether they are online, or not. However, most of Capella’s professors are really good!

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How does it work?

There are 11 nursing courses. I had to take a total of 13 courses to fulfill 2 social science requirements. My friend had to take 12 to fulfill 1 humanity requirement. Therefore, expect to take 11 courses minimum…after that, the requirements are individualized. You get to take up to 2 courses at a time. The professors must grade your work within 48 hours, excluding weekends. If you submit your paper on Monday at 2:00 p.m. your professor has until Wednesday 1:59 p.m. to grade your paper and post feedback. If your submit your paper Friday at 12 a.m. your professor does not have to get back to you until Tuesday at 1:59 p.m. to grade your paper and post feedback. You have to receive at least basic in all of the competencies for each paper submitted. You may achieve a proficient or distinguished which is the best. Non-performance means you did not meet the criteria for the paper and you have two more chances to fix that area on the paper. You don’t have to re-do the whole paper. Unless, you choose to.

Do you feel a connection with the professor?

Oh, yes! Some professors come off really caring and genuine and that makes it easy to navigate through the course.

How many papers per course?

The minimum amount of papers is 3, the maximum is 5, the majority is 4.

How long does one course take to complete?

The duration of the course depends on both, the student and the professor. The shortest amount of time it took me to complete a course was 1 week. The longest amount of time it took me to complete a course was 1.5 weeks. Once again, your professor has up to 48 hours to grade your paper and give feedback, but some professors grade your paper a couple of hours after you submit it. This allows you to move on, freely. Keep in mind, you can submit two papers prior to receiving feedback on the first one. However, I would not recommend it. Professors standards may vary and some papers tie into the next paper. Therefore, it is best to wait for feedback if you do not want to have to edit and re-submit both papers.

How Long did it take to complete the entire program?

I just graduated with my entry level RN, I did not get to work, yet, and I had a lot of time. I did not go on vacation and I took that time to complete 13 courses. It took me a total of 8 weeks to get my BSN through Capella Flex Path program.

How Much did you pay?

With 10% off, I paid $2700. It costs 2700 dollars per quarter (every three months). I only used 1 quarter.

Is it nursing accredited?

Yes, it is! The American Nurse Association even rewards scholarships for students to help pay for the school. I cannot be specific with which accreditations Capella has because Capella keeps gaining accreditations. However, I do believe it has all the accreditations necessary for national compliance. It is a Minnesota-based school and I live in New York.

Why would you say Capella is a good school?

I learned a lot. I literally sat in a meeting with people that had their BSN degree from NYU and LIU, and I was able to answer questions that they weren’t, thanks to Capella’s courses.

Do you think you really learned, or learned just enough to complete the paper?

I really learned a lot from the Flex Path program. When I go to school, in-person, I have to study for an exam, I take the exam, and then some times my brain starts kicking out the information. Sort of like Math, and I love math! But online, I take the professors’ instructions, read it thoroughly, do my research and write a paper about it in my own words. The competency is designed to evaluate your understanding. Therefore, the knowledge actually sticks.

Would you return to Capella?

Yes, I plan to return form my MSN. I am not returning immediately because I just began work. I want to settle in, first, before adding more to my plate. I plan to return in the winter of 2021.

Was it worth getting your BSN?

Of course! The hospital I work at is a Magnet hospital and in order to maintain that status nurses must have a BSN. Also, I get paid more and it brings me closer to my goal as a nurse practitioner. If you do have an Associate Nursing degree, most places want to know you are enrolled in a BSN program.

Were there any issues with the school, or anything you felt was questionable?

My flex path coach was never available when I called. However, it did not matter because I never left a message to have my call returned. You have the option of leaving a message or speaking with another coach. I always chose to speak with another coach. Other coaches were always available and knowledgeable. Therefore, it didn’t matter to me if I spoke to my assigned coach, or not.


If you have any other questions or need clarification please feel free to post.

Capella University Flex Path RN to BSN Program

NURS-FPX – Nursing FlexPath

NURS-FPX4010 Leading People, Processes, and Organizations in Interprofessional Practice
NURS-FPX4020 Improving Quality of Care and Patient Safety
NURS-FPX4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions
NURS-FPX4040 Managing Health Information and Technology
NURS-FPX4050 Coordinating Patient-Centered Care
NURS-FPX4060 Practicing in the Community to Improve Population Health
NURS-FPX4900 Capstone Project for Nursing
NURS-FPX5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health
NURS-FPX5005 Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology
NURS-FPX5007 Leadership for Nursing Practice
NURS-FPX6011 Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health
NURS-FPX6016 Quality Improvement of Interprofessional Care
NURS-FPX6020 Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 1
NURS-FPX6021 Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 1
NURS-FPX6025 MSN Practicum
NURS-FPX6026 Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 2
NURS-FPX6030 MSN Practicum and Capstone
NURS-FPX6103 The Nurse Educator Role
NURS-FPX6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies
NURS-FPX6107 Curriculum Design, Development, and Evaluation
NURS-FPX6109 Integrating Technology into Nursing Education
NURS-FPX6111 Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education
NURS-FPX6210 Leadership and Management for Nurse Executives
NURS-FPX6212 Health Care Quality and Safety Management
NURS-FPX6214 Health Care Informatics and Technology
NURS-FPX6216 Advanced Finance and Operations Management
NURS-FPX6218 Leading the Future of Health Care
NURS-FPX6410 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics
NURS-FPX6412 Analysis of Clinical Information Systems and Application to Nursing Practice
NURS-FPX6414 Advancing Health Care Through Data Mining
NURS-FPX6416 Managing the Nursing Informatics Life Cycle
NURS-FPX6610 Introduction to Care Coordination
NURS-FPX6612 Health Care Models Used in Care Coordination
NURS-FPX6614 Structure and Process in Care Coordination
NURS-FPX6616 Ethical and Legal Considerations in Care Coordination
NURS-FPX6618 Leadership in Care Coordination
NURS-FPX8010 Executive Leadership in Contemporary Nursing
NURS-FPX8012 Nursing Technology and Health Care Information Systems
NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health
NURS-FPX8030 Evidence-Based Practice Process for the Nursing Doctoral Learner
NURS-FPX8045 Doctoral Writing and Professional Practice
NURS-FPX9100 Defining the Nursing Doctoral Project
NURS-FPX9901 Nursing Doctoral Project 1
NURS-FPX9902 Nursing Doctoral Project 2
NURS-FPX9903 Nursing Doctoral Project 3
NURS-FPX9904 Nursing Doctoral Project 4
NURS-FPX9980 Doctoral Project Development

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