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Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Essay

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Essay

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Essay
Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Essay

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Essay Hello, I will submit my presentation, which is focused on explaining different concepts regarding care coordination. The presentation will give more details concerning culturally sensitive, evidence-based, and practical strategies for relating with patients and other family members. The presentation will cover the impacts of healthcare policy provisions on patient experiences and results. The rationale for coming up with better Coordinated Care Plans while considering ethical decision-making will also be addressed.

Care coordination is the organization of activities during patient care involving different participants to enhance the effective and safe provision of service for better results and high-quality healthcare. Care coordination is an essential way to make healthcare system better for improved patient results, especially in improving safety and efficiency. Care coordination applied in a focused way can improve payers, providers and patients’ outcomes (Schultz & McDonald, 2014). To achieve care coordination, health care professionals, patient and their families must collaborate and work towards the needed outcomes.

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Adopting a patient-centered approach is essential, starting from the doctors themselves. They should offer care by forming a personal relationship with the patients. By doing this, the doctors will create a direct relationship and the need for empathy with the patients, thereby providing the chance to see beyond the patient’s pain or presenting symptoms. On top of this, the doctors can provide referral services to other practitioners, such as emotional providers, o since they understand the patient’s needs (Peikes et al., 2019).

The use of technology in helping patients to monitor their plan of care even while at their residence is another evidence-based strategy that could be used during the patient-centered approach. For example, using the service portals that help schedule appointments or obtain critical information concerning patients could be very useful in archiving the best patient results and care coordination.

During the care coordination process, practitioners deal with culturally diverse patients and face different obstacles such as language barriers and patients with differences in health beliefs. To solve these disparities, those involved in care coordination should develop strategies from carefully evaluated interventions that offer culturally competent healthcare for such patients and examine their impacts on outcome measures. With such care coordination, efficiency, safety, and quality in care will be promoted, resulting in improved patient care outcomes.

Ethics play an essential role in ensuring care continuum and coordination in every healthcare organization during caregiving. Government policies and other state provisions hugely influence care coordination in contemporary healthcare organizations for individual patients and communities. Those involved in the coordination of care are regulated and defined by policies and ethical standards in practice, regardless of the setting they operate in (Schultz et al., 2019).

A breach of these ethical standards could have a huge impact on care coordination. There are different ways in which the policies related to health care affects and influence care coordination. For instance, different federal policies directly influence the healthcare system. Some governmental programs have a considerable effect on care coordination. Examples of such policies are Medicare and Medicaid.

Other programs such as the Veterans Health Administrations influence care coordination in the Healthcare Organizations. Such a governmental program positively affects care coordination since it improves access to care for the involved population. The code of ethics acts as the nurse’s and clinician’s guide in nursing. The guide is a non-negotiable standard of morals for nurses. The codes of ethics can have both negative and positive implications to care coordination and care provision. For instance, the code of ethics that guides nurses help them to give patients the best service possible. These codes of ethics help nurses communicate and interact well with other team members, thereby facilitating better care coordination.

During care coordination, it is essential to use effective strategies for relating with patients and their loved ones to achieve the best health outcomes. Care coordination is concerned with organization of activities during patient’s care and sharing information with people concerned with the process to get more effective and safer care. Therefore, the preferences and needs of the patient should be known and communicated on time. The information should be used to provide better, effective and safe patient’s care (Tønnessen et al., 2017). Care coordination tries to meet preferences and needs of patients in delivery of high-quality health care. Among the ways of achieving this include using specific care coordination activities and using broad approaches that are used improve health care delivery. Teamwork, Patient-centered medical homes, medication management, health information technology, and care management are examples of broad care coordination approaches. Specific care coordination activities examples include; creating a proactive care plan, helping with transitions of care, communicating knowledge, linking to community resources, and supporting self-management goals of patients.

Coordination of care can be put into action by application of changes in everyday routines and the general medical practice approach. The availabl…..…

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