A. Definition
Each student is asked to develop a case report which is a written account of an actual financial administration problem encountered in an applied setting related to health services administrative/financial experience, academic research, or community health and welfare affairs experience. The material for the report can come from a real life actual setting or from an account of an issue or problem as described in an article, journal or newspaper. The report identifies a real problem, incorporates the decisions made, and the results. The paper embraces these elements:

An analysis of the specific administrative/financial problem.

A review of the various approaches considered to solve it

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An analysis of the administrative /financial decisions and actions actually taken.

An explanation of the reasons for these decisions and actions.

An analysis of the results of the administrative/financial action taken.
B. Objectives
The project will enable the student to:

Recognize an administrative/financial problem,

Develop a logical solution to the problem,

Analyze the results of administrative/financial decisions/actions,

Organize a problem solving process and reduce this to writing,

Reference the health care literature in solving an existing problem,

Acquire general knowledge in health service administration/financial management
C. Approval Process (DUE THIS WEEK!!!)
The subject of the case report must be approved by the Instructor before the student proceeds with the project. The topic must be submitted in writing and include the following information:

Precise title of the case report.

Descriptive statement of a few sentences explaining the area of inquiry,

Explanation of the administrative/financial functions to be examined in the report.

Statement of reasons for selecting the topic.
D. Selection of Subject
The selection of the subject matter is the responsibility of the student. Present or prior working experience in the health services/financial field provides the resources for the report. In considering an administrative/financial problem, the student should keep the following factors in mind:

Is it an administrative/financial problem of some significance?

Is it a problem frequently encountered in the field of health services administration/financial administration?

Does the problem involve basic administrative functions, such as planning, organization, coordination, staffing, control or evaluation and ?or basic financial analysis issues.

Does the problem offer relevant learning opportunities for other class members?

Does its resolution involve original or creative thinking?
The case report must deal with administrative/financial concepts and is not a “How to do it” report.
** The intention of this assignment is to report on a real life administrative /financial situation that the student has participated in or has a great deal of “real situation” information. If the student does not have access to this information then a researched “administrative/financial situation” will be utilized with permission from the instructor.
E. Case Report Format
The case report must clearly identify the following elements:

The title should be brief but specific enough to identify the problem it reports.

The case report should include the following:
A.Size of organization.
B. Type of organization.
C.Type of ownership and control.
D.Number of years in operation.
E.Type and size of city and surrounding area served.
F.Number, size and type of other health facilities, services, programs, or agencies in the same area.
NOTE: Do not identify hospitals or organizations by name unless you have permission to do so or your report is from published information.

The case report should include a brief statement-one, two or three sentences will be satisfactory of the problem which confronted the student and which precipitated the administrative/financial action to resolve it. Do not include details, decisions, or philosophical discussion in this summary statement.


A statement of pertinent facts about the problem, including such information-where applicable as the following:
A. Background
B. Evolving complexity of the situation.
C. Persons or groups involved and their roles.
D. Local or historical factors contributing to the situation
E. Other appropriate data inherent in the case problem

A concise statement of the conclusions reached and the action taken to resolve the problem. Explain the selected course of action in full. Alternatives to the solution also should be examined, with reasons delineated for not following them. Report all special obstacles encountered in arriving at a solution.

Document the results which followed the selected administrative /financial action and decision. Indicate, where possible, the following:
A. Length of time between attempted solution of a problem and an evaluation of its results.
B. Length of time results of administrative decisions were observed.
C. Comment where, in the opinion of the case reporter, the solution “withstood” the test of time.”

Indicate specifically all source materials (texts, magazine articles, recommendations of colleagues or consultants, etc.) used in resolving the problem. This information may be embodied in the case report or listed at the end of the manuscript.
Studies, reports, legal opinions, or legislation may be used to support the premise of decision making; but, if used, they should be quoted and identified. Consultants’ reports should not be used as part of the main body of the manuscript, but may be used as an addendum.

Include a minimum of six (6) references from reputable journals or books.

F. Manuscript Format

All case reports should be cleanly typed. The paper is to be clear and concise; does not contain errors in spelling, punctuation, or syntax. In typing, the following should be observed.

  1. The original and one copy should be clearly legible.
  2. Double space all copy.
  3. Leave 1 ¼” to 1 ½” margins on both sides and on the top and bottom of each manuscript sheet.
  4. Use standard – 8 ½”xll” – stationery for the manuscript. The original copy should be good quality photocopies.
  5. Number all pages of the manuscript.
  6. It should be edited carefully paying attention to punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and spelling.

G. Length of Report

Well organized and thoroughly-developed case reports average 1,400-3,000 words.

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