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Case Study 1: Mandy

Part 2: Case Studies

Read the following case studies to inform Part 2 of the assignment.

Case Study 1: Mandy

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Mandy is a 3-year-old preschool student who has been diagnosed with ASD and is nonverbal. She is sensitive to loud noises and certain textures. She was recently referred to a child study team by the family physician. Her family doctor described her as having low muscle tone, delayed communication, and delayed motor skills. She uses her behavior and physicality for communicating needs. Mandy does point and reach for desired items, but she has not been able to reproduce any signs, despite her parents\’ attempts to teach her sign language for the past year. She often appears to be disengaged when playing or when her parents are encouraging her to sign. Her eye contact is minimal, tantrums are common, crying happens daily, and change is very difficult for her.

Case Study 2: Wilson

Wilson is an 11-year-old boy who was diagnosed with ASD as a toddler. He is physically healthy, but he is very sensitive to hot, cold, noises, and pain. He does not like crowds or lines and struggles with class assemblies, lunch time periods, and recesses. He is in a self-contained special education classroom on a public school campus and attends general education class for music only. He is capable of doing some general education class work, but his behavior is far too unpredictable to make further placement in a general education classroom feasible at this time. He can be impulsive and destructive when frustrated or overwhelmed. He is quite social and enjoys interacting with his peers in both settings; however, it can be difficult to discern when he will have a meltdown. He has tantrums and destroys property, and his participation in some aspects of school is limited. When changes in the schedule occur, such as school assemblies or fire drills, Wilson has a hard time adjusting and oftentimes tips over desks or kicks. He has not been able to attend the last two field trips due to his parents’ concerns for his safety.

Case Study 3: Cole

Cole is a 16-year-old boy with ASD and cognitive delays. He was born three weeks premature and required intensive neonatal care for six weeks after birth, but he is currently in good health. He passed all hearing and vision screenings. Cole uses gestures and a few verbal words to express his needs and wants; for example yes/no and hungry. He uses a few sign language gestures and some picture symbols, but mostly relies on a communication device in order to communicate with teachers, peers, and parents. When stressed or uncomfortable, Cole bites his finger and bangs his head. He generally will only use his device when a teacher or other caregiver asks him to, often relying on others to show him how to use the device. He is not independently able to communicate his needs in a meaningful way.

Select and analyze two of the case studies. Compose a 250-500 word summary per case study that addresses the following:

Identify an appropriate AAC assessment
Rationalize your assessment choice.
Detail how the assessment results will aid in designing or modifying instruction to meet student needs.
Make the case for ongoing evaluation of abilities, strengths, and needs as it pertains to the case study student

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