Case Study: Mr. C. Health History and Medical Information Essay Sample

Mr. C is a single male who is suffering from obesity. He is 32 years old. He is doing a job at catalog telephone center. He gained about 100 pounds in the last two years and he is obese since his childhood. He has a hypertension problem. Currently, he is looking for possible bariatric surgery to cure obesity.
Clinical Manifestations Present In Mr. C
To evaluate Mr. C. case, it is important to observe complete clinical signs of Mr. C. the clinical manifestation will be helpful to provide an appropriate solution regarding his health. Height of Mr. C. is 68 inches and weight is 134.5 kg. His blood pressure is 172/98. The value of his fasting blood glucose is 146 mg/dL. His HDL is 30 mg/dL and serum creatinine is 1.8 mg/dL.
Potential Health Risks for Mr. C’ Obesity
As per clinical signs of Mr. C, there are many potential risks. For instance, Mr. C is already a patient of high blood pressure. Moreover, low-density lipoprotein, inflammation, cholesterol, and blood sugar are the health risks associated with obesity ADDIN EN.CITE Flegal2016939(Flegal, Kruszon-Moran, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2016)93993917Flegal, Katherine MKruszon-Moran, DeannaCarroll, Margaret DFryar, Cheryl DOgden, Cynthia LTrends in obesity among adults in the United States, 2005 to 2014JamaJAMA2284-22913152120160098-7484(Flegal, Kruszon-Moran, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2016). Therefore, Mr. C. has higher chances to have coronary heart disease, cardiovascular problem, or stroke.
Bariatric Surgery Is an Appropriate Intervention or Not
Bariatric surgery is an appropriate treatment for Mr. C. in the presence of consistent and supportive management. Many patients are able to maintain a successful weight loss for a long time. Bariatric surgery is considered the best solution to get rid of severe obesity. Some studies have shown that bariatric surgery has inadvertent adverse effects on the mental health of the patients ADDIN EN.CITE Spittal2018935(Spittal & Frühbeck, 2018)93593517Spittal, Matthew JFrühbeck, GemaBariatric surgery: many benefits, but emerging risksThe Lancet Diabetes & EndocrinologyThe Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology161-1636320182213-8587(Spittal & Frühbeck, 2018). Overall, the surgery has positive outcomes more than the negative effects.
Assess Each of Mr. C’s Functional Health Patterns
Health Management
The patient is well aware of his overweight and wants to get rid of additional weight that badly effects his health. Mr. C. is thinking to have bariatric surgery. He is suffering from a high blood pressure that needs to be controlled with the help of a low sodium diet. He is also suffering from sleep apnea but he does not reveal the use of CPAP.
There is no information about his digestive condition that whether he is suffering from diarrhea or constipation. There is no information regarding urination. If Mr. C is suffering from abdominal issues then such problems can be eliminated by dietary modifications or with the help of medicine.
The information regarding this area is not given. However, the patient is trying to get information about weight-loss surgery. He is not comfortable with his overweight and wants to eliminate it.
Information regarding the relationship or support system of the patient is not clear yet. Mr. C needs a strong support system, especially for the weight-loss surgery.
There is no such information regarding this area. If Mr. C is not happy in this area of life then his …

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