Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

CM220, Assignment Unit: 6 CLA: 3 Conduct research

CM220, Assignment Unit: 6 CLA: 3 Conduct research to support assertions made in academic and professional situations. GEL: n/a Point total: 100 Criteria 1 (5%) Level III

Max Points: 5 Level II

Max Points: 4.25 Level I

Max Points: 3.5 Not Present

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Meets all criteria: ● Includes a thesis

statement that is persuasive and problem- solving

● Thesis statement is community-based

● Thesis statement is in enthymeme form (includes a claim and reason)

● Thesis statement is one- two sentences

The following is true: ● Includes a thesis

statement that is persuasive and problem- solving

And meets two criteria: ● Thesis statement is

community-based ● Thesis statement is in

enthymeme form (includes a claim and reason)

● Thesis statement is one- two sentences

The following is true: ● Includes a thesis

statement that is persuasive

Meets two or more criteria: ● Thesis does not offer

specific solution to a problem

● Thesis is not community- based

● Thesis statement is not in enthymeme form (includes a claim and reason)

● Thesis statement is more than one-two sentences

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 2 (60%) Level III Max Points: 60

Level II Max Points: 51

Level I Max Points: 42

Not Present


Writes an annotation for at least four sources, each of which includes: ● Summarizes the source’s

main idea ● Evaluates the source’s

credibility using at least 3 criteria from “Evaluating Sources”

● Reflects upon how the source will support or challenge the thesis

● Summarizes and paraphrases ideas from sources (uses no direct quotation)

Writes an annotation for at least three sources, each of which includes at least three criteria: ● Summarizes the source’s

main idea ● Evaluates the source’s

credibility using at least three criteria from “Evaluating Sources”

● Reflects upon how the source will support or challenge the thesis

● Summarizes and paraphrases ideas from sources (uses little direct quotation)

Writes an annotation for at least three sources, each of which includes at least two criteria: ● Summarizes the source’s

main idea ● Evaluates the source’s

credibility using at least three criteria from “Evaluating Sources”

● Reflects upon how the source will support or challenge the thesis

● Mostly summarizes and paraphrases ideas from sources (has some direct quotation)

Does not meet any criteria. If plagiarized, the grade for the assignment is a 0.

Criteria 3 (15%) Level III Max Points: 15

Level II Max Points: 12.75

Level I Max Points: 10.5

Not Present


Meets all criteria: ● All four sources are

credible and appropriate for an academic audience

● Includes a source that poses a challenge to or misconception about the argument for change

● Includes a source with a visual/graphic component

The following is true: ● At least three sources

are credible and appropriate for an academic audience

And meets one criteria: ● Includes a source that

poses a challenge to or misconception about the argument for change

The following is true: ● At least two sources are

credible and appropriate for an academic audience

None are true:

● Includes a source that poses a challenge to or misconception about the argument for change

Does not meet any criteria.

● Includes a source with a visual/graphic component

● Includes a source with a visual/graphic component

Criteria 4 (10%) Level III

Max Points: 10 Level II

Max Points: 8.5 Level I

Max Points: 7 Not Present

APA Style

Meets all criteria ● Applies APA style to in-

text citations and references citations with minor to no errors

● Applies APA formatting style to document layout, including a title page, with minor to no errors

Meets two criteria ● Applies APA style to in-

text citations with minor errors

● Applies APA style to references citations, with minor errors

● Applies APA formatting style to document layout, including a title page, with minor errors

Meets two criteria ● Applies APA style to in-

text citations, with some errors

● Applies APA style to references citations, with some errors

● Applies APA formatting style to document layout, including a title page, with some errors

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 5 (10%) Level III Max Points: 10

Level II Max Points: 8.5

Level I Max Points: 7

Not Present

Writing Conventions Meets all criteria ● Writing is focused,

concise and organized ● Articulates at a college

level with sentence variety and complexity

● Few or no grammar or punctuation errors

● Uses non-offensive, inclusive and respectful language

Meets three criteria ● Writing is focused,

concise and organized ● Articulates at a college

level with sentence variety and complexity

● Few or no grammar or punctuation errors

● Uses non-offensive, inclusive and respectful language

Meets one-two criteria ● Writing is focused,

concise and organized ● Articulates at a college

level with sentence variety and complexity

● Few or no grammar or punctuation errors

● Uses non-offensive, inclusive and respectful language

Does not meet any criteria.

Maximum Total Points (100%) 100 (85%) 85 (70%) 70 0

Minimum Total Points 86 points minimum 71 points minimum 1 point minimum 0


1. Add or delete as many criteria rows as you deem necessary to assess the assignment. 2. Verbiage and percent point allocation for APA Style & Writing Conventions are suggested for consistency across SoGE but not mandatory.

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