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Community Health Nursing Essay

Community Health Nursing Essay

The purpose of this paper is to review an article about the role and value of school-based health care and its significance to community health nursing practices. Community health nursing practices focus on providing quality healthcare and health education to the community. Whereas school-based health care is basically presumed to provide and improve health care services to children especially those with limited access to healthcare services.

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The role and value of school-based health care by Wade and Guo (2010) describes how the improvement of health-related quality of life(HRQOL) health care could link to reduced costs in the provision of school-based health care. The information presented by this article argues that HRQOL is becoming a key assessment in health care practices and cost-effective analysis and thus it could be used to evaluate school-based health care services. This information is relevant to community health nursing practices because its significance in the provision of health care services is more or less the same like community health nursing practices.

Community Health Nursing  Essay
Community Health Nursing Essay

Both practices use health care services to refer to one’s social, physical and emotional well-being. It is perceived that by evaluating an individual’s quality of life, health caregivers are able to evaluate the economic conclusions regarding access to costly drugs that may prolong life by a few months, and contrast these against promising, alternative expenses such as preventative medicine or a surgical bed (Cynthia and Pamela 2003). Comparing and contrasting these issues makes it easy for the both practices HRQOL and community health nursing practices to advise individuals on which services will be less costly.

Putting into consideration that this article has focused mostly on schools and students, it is of great importance since most of the targeted individuals rely on their parents for support. Costs of health have risen significantly over the past years and the information provided by this article is what every parent would want to hear. It provides crucial information on how linking HRQOL to community health nursing practices will enable the evaluation of school-based health care services and how this will give a significant drop in health care costs. This information is based on research conducted from different schools on the efficiency of school-based health care services and assessments on HRQOL.

This article however based its most information on health care services provided to children with mental and asthma conditions only leaving out other medical conditions like autism and Down syndrome or any other sickness. Also, it is unclear from this article whether the perceived changes in health had any impact on medical care costs and what are the causes of the perceived health changes in children. Lastly, this article provides limited information on the percentages of the reduction of medical costs as its research was done from only sample children and did not generalize.

This article could have conducted its research by using effective assessments like visiting homes instead of making phone calls and also conducting teaching methodology with open queries from individuals which are an example of health nursing practices (Martha and Ann 2006). By doing this, the article would have been more elaborate on making individuals understand the need of reduced health care costs, need for linking HRQOL and health nursing practices in order to reduce health costs in school-based health care services. This measure increases confidentiality and appreciation from individuals as they feel satisfied that their suggestions are considered on their expectations for treatment.

Community Health Nursing Essay

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