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Running head: COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT 1Comprehensive Health AssessmentStudent’s Name:Institutional Affiliation:
COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT2IntroductionSocial determinants of health can simply be defined as the environment, system and forces that shape how people are born, raised, grow, interact, work and age. Social determinants have been studied over time, and it is beyond doubt that they quite affect health, for example, an increase and improvement in social support, education, social status, and education correlates with reduced morbidity and mortality(Andermann, 2018). Despite the knowledge of the role of social determinants on health the burning issue that rises is whether nurses and other healthcare specialists consider screening for the said determinants when handling patients. There is a common phrase that a good caregiver treats the illness, but a better caregiver treats the person. Whereas many may argue that it is the political and administrative forces that are responsible for impacting on people’s living conditions the health sector can intervene within its capacity to aidinbringing some social change. The purpose of this paper is to dig into the matter of social determinants to understand how they affect a patient’s access to quality healthcareby using a case study.Patient’s Case Study SummaryPatient X, 32yearsoldfemale, visits the clinic complaining of a severe headache, dizziness, weakness and fatigue, shortness of breath and chest pains. Upon further inquiry and diagnosis, she has an irregular heartbeat, pale yellowish skin, cold handand feet which out rightly are signs and symptoms of anemia. She is a peasant living in the ruraland married to a plumber and theyhave

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