Cite all your sources using APA style. See External Links for guidance in using APA style citations.
Section Three; Strategy and Structure:
The final task before setting up shop is to determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure that will best support this international venture. The CEO of your organization has asked you to write a report on your recommendations of the type of international strategy and organizational structure they should adopt.
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Write My Essay For MeFor this portion of the term project, you will be focusing specifically on the concepts and discussions from Chapters 13 (Strategy) and 14 (Structure). Please also remember to research the actual organization you have been using as a reference for this project. Look at their current international presence (if they do not have an international presence, look at their domestic presence), their organizational culture, their current structure, and their supply and distribution channels.
You are to use at least three additional sources to complete this assignment. PLEASE remember to cite all your sources; proper citation of your sources is a requirement for this course. This assignment is to be a minimum of 2 pages typed, font 12, double-spaced.
Please support all recommendations with sound reasoning and research.
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