Coronavirus (COVID-19) Essay Topics and Ideas
When tasked with writing an essay on Coronavirus, your goal by end of the essay is to convince your audience by giving them reliable information on the topic.
You have to start by selecting crucial facts that will offer sufficient support to your claim
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Due to the fact that the topic on Coronavirus is relatively new to the world, information regarding its risk factors, symptoms, and prevention strategies is updated on a daily basis. It, therefore, gets tricky to select the most current and eye-catching Coronavirus essay topic.
Students, sometimes, find themselves in a situation where they are not sure of the best topics for their essays. We have listed hundreds of topics on Coronavirus for you.
Feel free to also make inquiries regarding the most relevant essay topic for your academic level or subject.
Latest Research Paper Topics and Essay Ideas on Coronavirus
Types of Coronavirus Essays
Get Coronavirus essay topics for the following types of essays:
- Argumentative Essays
- Persuasive Essays
- Expository Essays
- Analytical Essays
- Compare and Contrast Essays
- Cause & Effect Essays
- Descriptive Essays
- Narrative Essays
We also have Coronavirus topics and ideas for your Debates and Research Papers
A. Argumentative Coronavirus Essay Topics
An argumentative essay presents evidence in the support of a specific idea.
For example, you may write an essay presenting evidence of what makes it hard to develop a Coronavirus vaccine.
While writing the argumentative essay, you can choose to present both sides of an issue or just one side of the issue is presented more forcefully than the other.
Find below a list of amazing argumentative Coronavirus Essay topics:
1. Climate and Geography affect the rate of spread of the Coronavirus
2. Will social distancing really work?
3. What made the Coronavirus a pandemic?
4. Should governments control the flow of information regarding the Coronavirus?
5. What the best way to fight the COVID-19?
6. What are the pros and cons of staying updated with the Coronavirus outbreak?

7. What are the pros and cons of online classes?
8. Is there a possibility of the mutation of the Coronavirus?
9. Chloroquine for COVID-19?
10. Is it necessary to hospitalize all patients infected with the COVID-19 virus?
11. What makes it difficult to develop a Coronavirus vaccine fast?
12. Can governments effectively fight Coronavirus by uniting?
13. The real meaning of the Coronavirus recession
14. Which are the most effective sanitary measures in the fight against the spread of Coronavirus
15. Can the spread of the Coronavirus be prevented by ordinary people?
16. Is the current Coronavirus vaccine research efficient?
17. Has the mass media helped in fighting the panic on COVID-19?
18. Which is the best way to manage the symptoms of Coronavirus?
19. How should the government handle the homeless during the Coronavirus epidemic?
20. Cultures and Religious activities that have increased the spread of Coronavirus
B. Persuasive Coronavirus Essay Topics
The goal of a persuasive essay on Coronavirus will be to convince the reader to accept your point of view or recommendation. You must build your argument with logic and facts, as well as expert opinion, examples, and objectivity.
You must also present all sides of the argument, and communicate clearly with equivocation why a specific position is preferable than the other.
Find below a list of exciting topics on the Coronavirus pandemic:
21. What is the most effective way to control the spread of Coronavirus
22. The biggest losers of the Coronavirus pandemic
23. How effective is Self-quarantine in the control of Coronavirus?
24. When will the Coronavirus end?

25. Can you catch Coronavirus twice?
26. Coronavirus and Terrorism
27. Robotics solutions to the Coronavirus
28. How to pay rent during the Coronavirus epidemic
29. How do get updates on Coronavirus in your Location?
30. The biggest challenge in the control of Coronavirus
31. African Myths on Coronavirus
32. Preparing your home for Coronavirus
33. How to spend savings during the Coronavirus outbreak
34. What to do when someone in your house gets infected with Coronavirus
35. The notion that Coronavirus is not prevalent in Warm countries and why this is so
36. Coronavirus: New World order loading…
37. How will the economy recover from the Coronavirus pandemic?
38. How governments can ensure that every human meets the minimum needs such as food during the pandemic and lockdown
39. How to protect yourself from Coronavirus
40. How has China been able to reduce the rates of Coronavirus infections
41. Countries without confirmed cases of Coronavirus and why?
42. How to increase Coronavirus awareness in Africa?
43. What interventions should be taken to effectively prevent discrimination against people infected with the Coronavirus
44. What businesses should one try during the Coronavirus pandemic?
45. How to protect election integrity during the Coronavirus pandemic?
C. Expository Coronavirus Essay Topics
An expository essay on Coronavirus is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis on a specific aspect of the Coronavirus pandemic. When preparing this type of essays, you are expected to be factual, use statistics, and incorporate examples.
An expository essay will also incorporate a variety of essay types such as cause and effect essay, compare and contrast essay, and process, or “how to” essay.
Writers must not reveal their emotions while preparing expository essays on Coronavirus.
Find below a well-crafted list of expository essay topics on Coronavirus:
46. What is SARS-CoV – 2?
47. The origin and epidemiology of the COVID-19 and its relationships with other diseases
48. History of the Coronavirus: origin and development
49. What are the available treatments for Coronavirus?
50. Celebrities and public figures who have tested positive for the COVID-19
51. Significant stride s that various medical researchers have made in the control and potential cure for Coronavirus
52. Does the Hand sanitizer really work in the control of the Coronavirus?
53. Origin and development of Coronavirus in China
54. How do people die from the Coronavirus?
55. NYPD Coronavirus Deaths
56. Coronavirus and its signs and symptoms
57. How to safely do grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic
58. Does the Coronavirus spread more slowly in hot places?
59. What is the vaccine development period for Coronavirus
60. Who are the most vulnerable people to Coronavirus and why?
61. Cost of diagnosis and treatment of Coronavirus
62. Coronavirus in Spain
63. How to interact with Coronavirus Patients
64. Impact of the Coronavirus on the immune system
65. How deadly is the SARS–CoV-2?
66. Impact of Coronavirus on Education
67. Turkey Coronavirus
68. Coronavirus in India
69. How the Coronavirus pandemic could change research
70. How contagious is the Coronavirus?
71. Coronavirus in the Prisons
72.How to cope with stress during the Coronavirus pandemic
73. Industries that succeeded during the Coronavirus pandemic
74. What are the latest inventions in the prevention of Coronavirus?
75. Coronavirus in Africa
76. Symptoms of Coronavirus
77. How fast is the transmission of Coronavirus amongst human beings?
78. Which organs are impaired in a Coronavirus infected body?
79. Medical treatment of Coronavirus
80. The various steps that governments all around the world have taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic
81. Signs and Symptoms of Coronavirus
82. Coronavirus and animals
83. How to Diagnose and treat an infected person
84. Coronavirus in Africa
85. Keeping the Coronavirus from infecting Health workers
86. Countries with the highest number of Coronavirus infections
87. Coronavirus in Italy
88. Countries with the Highest number of Coronavirus infections
89. Where did the Coronavirus pandemic begin?
90. Coronavirus in Southern America
91. Coronavirus in the United States
92. Incubation and infectious period of the COVID-19
93. What is the importance of a mask in the control of Coronavirus?
94. How to protect the elderly and sick from the COVID-19?
D. Analytical Coronavirus Essay Topics
An analytical essay is a manifestation of your analytical thinking.
An analytical essay on the Coronavirus pandemic will require you to analyse, examine, and interpret specific aspects of the Coronavirus, such as the scientific research on Coronavirus.
For example, if you are writing an essay about a book written about the Coronavirus pandemic, you should analyse who the author wrote it, the methods that they used, and how the book impacts its readers.
Find below a list of engaging and mind-opening analytical Coronavirus essay topics:
95. Coronavirus: Adapting new adaptive behaviours
96. How China managed to control the Spread of Coronavirus

97. Factors that contribute to people failing to get tested for Coronavirus
98. Who are the primary victims of Coronavirus?
99. Cultural factors that influence the transmission of Coronavirus
100. Which are the diseases that increase the risk of dying from Coronavirus
101. Why is it difficult to detect Coronavirus during its early stages?
102. Economic and Social impacts of Coronavirus in the United Kingdom
103. Coronavirus Test Shortage
104. The general disease management plan for the Coronavirus
105. Are the cases of isolation and forced-quarantine proportionate and ethically justifiable?
106. Significance of self-isolation in the control of Coronavirus
107. Why is the Coronavirus outbreak regarded a pandemic?
108. An analysis of the Coronavirus statistics since December 2019
109. A research on Coronavirus in babies
110. How do we reduce the rate of spread of Coronavirus in our communities?
111. Describe the term, “Chinese Virus”
112. Ethical questions on the response to the Coronavirus in China
113. An analysis of the dangerous Coronavirus in 2020
114. Effective medicines in the treatment of Coronavirus
115. An analysis of the diseases that increase the risks of death when infected with Coronavirus
116. How effective is the UK’s NHS system in the control and management of the Coronavirus?
117. Is it possible to feed a whole population during the Coronavirus pandemic?
118. An analysis of Coronavirus infections in the military
119. Coronavirus’ effect on Autism
120. Coronavirus has more people turning to their farms for food
E. Compare & Contrast Coronavirus Essay Topics
A Compare & Contrast essay requires that you evaluate the differences and similarities between two subjects. The subjects must be in the same category, but different.
In this case, we can compare and contrast the Coronavirus epidemic from diseases and epidemics that happened in the past.
Find a list of relevant Compare & Contrast essay topics on Coronavirus:
121. Coronavirus Vs. HIV/AIDS
122. Comparison of the preventive measures for Coronavirus in the United States and the United Kingdom
123. A comparison between the Coronavirus and the “Hong Kong Flu” of 1968
124. Coronavirus Pandemic vs. Influenza Pandemic
125. Compare and contrast the spread of Coronavirus in areas with different climatic zones
126. Compare and Contrast the various ways of Coronavirus transmission
127. Compare the rate of spread of Coronavirus with the rate before the global preventive measures were implemented
128. Compare personal protective equipment in the control of Coronavirus
129. The Coronavirus Pandemic vs. the Sixth Cholera Pandemic
130. The Coronavirus vs. Bubonic Plague
131. Coronavirus vs. the Common flu
132. Compare the causes of infections of different countries in the world
133. Compare and contrast the effects of Coronavirus on people with pre-existing health conditions compared to healthy people
134. Compare and contrast the spread of Coronavirus in Cities vis-a-vis Rural areas
135. A comparison of how various countries in Africa perceive the Coronavirus epidemic
136. Compare and Contrast the symptoms of Pneumonia with those of COVID-19
137. Compare and Contrast the ways in which Coronavirus affects the older and younger people
138. United Kingdom Policies vs. the United States Policies on the Control of Coronavirus
139. Italy vs. Spain in the control of Coronavirus
140. Compare and contrast the preventive measures conducted by Italy before and after the increased infection and death rates
141. Compare and contrast the preventive measures at different stages of the Coronavirus epidemic
142. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of various disinfectants in the control of Coronavirus
143. Compare Coronavirus symptoms with those of Influenza
144. China vs. United States in the Control of Coronavirus
145. Compare and Contrast the transmission of a virus and a bacteria using the COVID-19 virus as an example
F. Cause & Effect Coronavirus Essay Topics
A cause & effect essay on Coronavirus will look into the reasons for specific aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak, then discuss the results.
As a writer, you must pay closer attention to the primary causes and effects.
You don’t have to include all the contributory things unless you are running out of ideas.
Find below a list of Cause & Effect essay topics that you will like:
146. United States has become the new breeding ground for coronavirus: reasons and consequences
147. Economic impact of Coronavirus in the United States
148. Impact of the Coronavirus on globalization
149. Economic impact of the Coronavirus on China
150. Impact of Coronavirus in our nuclear/extended families
151. Effects of Coronavirus on mental health
152. Explain how the consumption of birds resulted to the spread of Coronavirus in China
153. How has the Coronavirus pandemic affected the lifestyle of people in the United States?
154. Effects of the conspiracy theories surrounding the Coronavirus epidemic
155. Social distancing and its implications in the control of Coronavirus
156. How efficient was the WHO response to the Coronavirus pandemic?
157. Effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on the entertainment industry
158. The cause and Effect of Coronavirus in Africa
159. Can the new means of treatment invented by people such as Trump help in the fight against the COVID-19
160. Social impact of Coronavirus in the United States
161. Impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on hospitality industry
162. Impact of the Coronavirus on a particular airline industry
163. Political impacts of the Coronavirus in Europe
164. Impact of the Coronavirus on human body
165. Effects of Coronavirus denial in Brazil
166. Effects of Coronavirus on the Education system in the United States
167. Impact of the Coronavirus in African slums
168. What causes the Coronavirus to spread fast?
169. Impact of Coronavirus on science and research
170. The cause and effects of Coronavirus on sports
171. What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning during the Coronavirus outbreak?
172. Political impact of the Coronavirus in the United States
173. Effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on tourism
174. Impacts of the Coronavirus on transport in the United Kingdom
175. What is the most terrible impact of Coronavirus?
176. Affects and Effects of the Coronavirus
177. What factors cause the rapid spread of the Coronavirus infection
178. Effects of panic buying in supermarkets
179. Impact of the Coronavirus on the defence forces
180. The effects of Coronavirus on Europe’s aging people
181. Impact of the Coronavirus on the Judiciary system
182. Effects of the Coronavirus outbreak on the mental health of teachers
183. Dangers facing nursing or medical families’ homes during the outbreak
184. How will a lockdown affect the livelihood of South Africans?
185. Importance of supercomputers in developing the Coronavirus vaccine
186. What are the effects of social distancing on culture
G. Descriptive Coronavirus Essay Topics
A descriptive essay will require you to paint a clear picture using words. You can describe a place, an individual or a memory of special significance during the Coronavirus pandemic. The best descriptive essay on Coronavirus appeals to the reader’s emotions.
Find below engaging topics for your descriptive essay topics on Coronavirus:
187. Describe your interaction with a doctor during the Coronavirus pandemic
188. Describe your interaction with an elderly Coronavirus patient
189. The infection of two dozen family members in Georgia during a funeral
190. The things we miss, took for granted and can’t wait to have them back after the Coronavirus
191. Describe a normal day as a doctor during the Coronavirus pandemic

192. Describe a normal day as a journalist during the Coronavirus pandemic
193. Describe how the COVID-19 will lead to a world economic crisis
194. Describe your worst memory during the Coronavirus pandemic
195. The day I recovered from Coronavirus
196. Describe the memories of someone you lost during the Coronavirus pandemic
197. Describe a time that you felt excited during the Coronavirus pandemic
198. Describe your hobby during the Coronavirus pandemic
199. Stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown: Couples in quarantine
200. Describe your experience as a father/mother/parent during the Coronavirus pandemic
201. Describe a memorable novel/article you read during the Coronavirus pandemic
202. Describe how the Coronavirus pandemic spread across the world
203. Describe a memorable movie that you watched during the Coronavirus pandemic
204. Describe how you kept healthy during the Coronavirus pandemic
205. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Coronavirus
206. How to get ready for a pandemic
207. The race to getting the Coronavirus Vaccine
208. Coronavirus at the workplace
209. Locally made COVID-19 Test kits
210. The day my mother contracted the Coronavirus
211. President Trump on Coronavirus
212. How to keep yourself busy during the Coronavirus outbreak
213. Coronavirus Case study: Spain
214. Scariest moment during the Coronavirus pandemic
215. Describe how a ventilator is operated in the treatment of Coronavirus
216. Describe how to make a homemade facemask
217. Describe drugs that are showing promise of a cure
218. Describe how to manage an epidemic such as Coronavirus in the future
219. Hospital management during the Coronavirus outbreak
220. Activities that celebrities do during the Coronavirus outbreak
221. Teaching kids remotely during the pandemic
222. Joe Biden on the control of COVID-19 in the US
223. Measures that Uganda took to control the spread of Coronavirus
224. The emergence of online church services
H. Narrative Coronavirus Essay Topics
A narrative essay on Coronavirus is a short story written from the writer’s point of view. A narrative essay is based on the writer’s personal lives; the story must relate to Coronavirus.
Here is a list of Coronavirus essay topics that you can use for your personal ideas or help you choose titles for your creative writings:
225. My Experience with Coronavirus
226. Life under lockdown caused by the Coronavirus outbreak

227. My home-schooling experience during the Coronavirus pandemic
228. My life as a police officer during the Coronavirus pandemic
229. My life as a doctor during the Coronavirus pandemic
230. How technology affected my life during the Coronavirus Pandemic
231. My life in a voluntary program during the Coronavirus Pandemic
232. The toughest decisions I made during the Coronavirus pandemic
233. Fighting Coronavirus at the Prisons: A narration by a Prisons Officer
234. My life as a soldier in Spain during the Coronavirus Pandemic
235. How Coronavirus ruined my family
236. Coronavirus ruined my Business
237. Celebrities who inspired me during the Coronavirus Pandemic
238. My experience at the supermarket during the coronavirus pandemic
239. The Coronavirus pandemic and my dating life
240. How I overcame Coronavirus
241. My life as a teacher during the Coronavirus Pandemic
242. Home-schooling at the age of Coronavirus
243. My first time experience with a Coronavirus Patient: A narration by a health officer
244. My life as a journalist in the United States during the Coronavirus Pandemic
245. Fighting Coronavirus at home
246. Myths about the Coronavirus
247. Acts of kindness during the Coronavirus Pandemic
248. Boris Johnson on Coronavirus
249. Challenges the Medical officers experience in the treatment of Coronavirus
I. Coronavirus Debate Topics
250. Is the Coronavirus a natural occurrence or is it a biological weapon?
251. Has the Coronavirus epidemic exposed our strengths or weaknesses?
252. Do medical staff have a moral responsibility to treat patients infected with the Coronavirus?
253. Does the Coronavirus disturb the world’s economic order?
254. The global distribution of a future vaccine ought to be free
255. Should travelling be restricted during the pandemic?
256. Does the forced-quarantine infringe upon individual freedom?
257. Is Coronavirus a punishment from God?
258. Has the Coronavirus reduced the rates of cheating in marriage?
J. Latest Research Paper Topics and Essay Ideas on COVID-19
259. Coronavirus and consumer confidence
260. Coronavirus diagnosis
261. Is the Human Coronavirus a biological weapon?
262. Does the Coronavirus outbreak call for a change in the education system?
263. What risks and complications could occur during the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine?
264. Coronavirus incubation period: Precautionary measures
265. Human Coronavirus infection among children with acute lower respiratory tract infection in the United States
266. Coronavirus theories
267. The loss of taste and smell: Can the COVID-19 target the nervous system?
268. What is the genetic connection between the common cold and COVID-19?
269. Coronavirus vaccine
270. How has Amazon been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic?
271. Coronavirus and the reduction of air pollution in the world
272. The emotional/mental health implications on people and communities as the Coronavirus continues to spread
273. Who has the Coronavirus Vaccine?
274. Artificial intelligence Vs. Coronavirus
275. How can governments ensure that the SME’s stay afloat during the Coronavirus pandemic?
276. What is the testing procedure for Coronavirus?
277. Does the government have the moral obligation to provide extra support to the medical staff who stick to their duties during the Coronavirus pandemic?
278. Can the novel Coronavirus be eliminated forever?
279. Corona virus disturbs the world’s economic order : China leads
280. How can scientists improve on their research for a Coronavirus vaccine?
281. Does the Hand sanitizer really work in the control of the Coronavirus?
282. Significant stride s that various medical researchers have made in the control and potential cure for Coronavirus
283. Coronavirus in the New York
284. Artificial intelligence and detecting Coronavirus
285. Ways of boosting immunity during the novel Coronavirus pandemic
286. The Politicians can and will take advantage of the COVID-29 situation
287. How to disinfect the Coronavirus from vegetables, fruits, and nuts?
288. What lessons can we learn from the COVID-19 outbreak?
289. Similarities between the COVID-19 and the 2009 flu
290. How to behave around someone infected with the Coronavirus
291. Is the data obtained from China regarding the Coronavirus factual or mere propaganda?
292. How effective is the health system in Turkey in the control of Coronavirus spread?
293. Rapid Testing is the Fastest way to Deal with the Epidemic?
294. Racism and Hate Crime During the Coronavirus Pandemic
295. An Annotated Bibliography on Coronavirus
296. Coronavirus: Into the Red Zone Analysis
297. The Story of Dr. Alfa Saadu
298. Dangers Faced by NHS Doctors
299. The Uncertain future of businesses in Europe and the US due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
300. Risks of Coronavirus Paramedics
301. An analysis of the US and UK Testing Capacity
302. Prince Charles on Recovering from Coronavirus
303. How is the Coronavirus going to change us, the society, and the system?
304: The Coronavirus Pandemic: The New Normal
305. How do we learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic?
306. How do we grow from the Coronavirus pandemic? What do we do when such a pandemic happens again?
307. How to ensure that the economy is not affected by a pandemic in future
308. An analysis of States in the United States in Handling the Coronavirus pandemic
309. Compare and Contrast Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Missouri, New York, Mississippi, or Georgia in handling the Coronavirus pandemic
310. COVID-19 Key facts
311. The Second Wave of Infections in China
312. Killing Time at the Age of Quarantine
313. Causes of increased infections in Tokyo, Japan
314. China’s transparency with the Coronavirus data
314. Coronavirus strains emergency services in the United States
315. How to protect paramedics and doctors from Coronavirus
316. Talking or breathing could spread the Coronavirus
317. Hospitals are the epicenter of transmission of Coronavirus
318. Unemployment statistics due to Coronavirus across the globe
319. Lockdown in emerging economies vs. Lockdown in the developed nations
320. Travel habits during the Coronavirus Pandemic
321. Life under Argentina’s Lockdown
322. Steps taken by the Brazilian Government in Managing the Coronavirus
323. Effects of lockdown in emerging or developed countries
324. Can the UK government meet the 100,000 tests per day target?
325. Expected impact of the NHS Nightingale hospital in managing the Coronavirus
326. Sweden’s Approach to Controlling the Coronavirus
327. Coronavirus testing and tallying methodologies in different countries. How does the different methodologies affect the overall numbers?
328. How will the Coronavirus Impact the US election Campaigns?
329. Measures to prevent Layoffs during the Outbreak
330. Scramble for Ventilators in the US
331. How to split ventilators
332. Food banks in the United States
333. How to stay fit during self-isolation
334. How to make, use, and Clean a homemade face mask
335. Strategies to Online Learning during the Coronavirus Pandemic
336. Summary and Analysis of the Queen’s Speech on the Coronavirus Pandemic
337. Bill Gates on Coronavirus
338. Impact of the Coronavirus on Refugee Camps
339. Testing in Care Homes and Prisons in the UK
340. Lessons from New York on the COVID-19 Pandemic
341. Types of Coronavirus Testing
342. How will Mass Testing control the Pandemic
343. Discuss, World may not get “back to normal” before the Coronavirus Pandemic
344. Discuss Behavioural Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic
345. Coronavirus Testing: A Case Study of the German Healthcare Infrastructure
346. Coronavirus and the African-American Community
347. What is the Impact and Importance of Flattening the COVID-19 Curve?
348. Was WHO Really “China Centric”?
349. Why did Italy Struggle to Deal with the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Essay Topics and Ideas
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