Crisis Trauma And Disasters Essay

Crisis Trauma And Disasters Essay

Crisis Trauma And Disasters Essay
Crisis Trauma And Disasters Essay

Crisis Trauma And Disasters Essay

Write an in-depth response to each of the questions numbered below. Number your response with the question. Each response needs to be at least four sentences in length. Refer to “Writing Rubric” (in the Getting Started Module and the syllabus) for content and grammar guidelines. Upload your file into the dropbox folder.
After reading Chapter 14, “Crisis, Trauma, and Disasters”, reviewing the Web site Trauma Informed Care and The Seven-Stages Crisis Intervention Model, Secondary Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and watching the videos in the Activities module, write an in-depth response to the questions that follow.
Outline and explain the different types of stress. Connect this information to the video entitled “Your Brain and Stress and Anxiety”. Summarize the facts given on how stress impacts behavior. How is this important information for all social workers in working with clients?
There are three videos under the Activities section to watch regarding PTSD. Go to the Readings section and read the link entitled “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. After watching the videos and reading the link information, describe what PTSD is, the common behaviors seen from it, and the physical process of the brain. For additional PTSD information you can also go to the Resource section and click on the link for the National Center for PTSD. How critical is it that social workers understand this when working with clients?
Go to the Resource section and click on the two links under the title of “Secondary Trauma”. Define and explain secondary traumatic stress (trauma) for social work counselors. How does the intense work with clients impact social workers? How can social workers manage it?
Go to the Readings section and read the link entitled “The Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model”. Outline and fully explain the steps of interventions social workers need to do with clients in crisis.
Watch the video entitled “Understanding Trauma: How Stress and Trauma Cause Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD”. Summarize the key points presented about what is trauma, its psychological impact and physical impact on a person.
How will this knowledge help social workers to interact better with clients who have experienced some form of trauma? What are some examples of different experiences that could be traumatic for clients?
Watch the video entitled “Children, Violence, and Trauma Treatment That Works”. Summarize the key notes about the impact of trauma and what treatment steps need to be taken to intervene.
Go to the Readings section and click on the link for Trauma Intervention. Read through the information on “Trauma Informed Care”. Summarize what this approach is and list the specific steps required to assist clients.

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