Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay

Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay

Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay
Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay

Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay

Emerging technology is a big subject in any industry. Technology is part of marketing, it helps any industry to stay competitive and flexible. This does not change with health care. Health care needs technology to stay on top of diseases and their management. Technology is a great tool when dealing with providing quality patient care. The topic here is not if technology can improve health care delivery, but how we can continue to use technology safely. Tools that can ensure the use of technology without exposing ones patients. Health care organizations must remember that part of their responsibilities is protect their patient’s personal information. There are many reasons why this is very important, therefore this paper will focus on touching such subjects. This paper will focus on doing this by analyzing different methods of protecting patient information. This of course, for organization who plan to utilize computerized systems for patient care? Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay An organization must understand that connection to data can very helpful, but yet very vulnerable. Such information can be reached by many unwanted users, this will not be good for the patient or the practice. By analyzing a few options designed to protect patient’s information, one can count on delivering the proper care to all patients and protecting their personal information. This action focuses on using technology to protect against technology. One must keep moving forward with actions that place the patients and their rights in the center of all patient care. In order to succeed at doing so, this paper will analyze the use of passwords, finger print recognition, remote wiping, and fire walls.


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The study on emerging technologies in healthcare aims at understanding the relationship between nurses, patients, family, and the population at large. The technology will help in educating on healthcare issues and ways of handling situations (Richins, 2015). The centralization and decentralization of nursing stations through the use of modern technology. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

This dissertation looks at health care technology using the tools and methods of economics. The particular focus is on the causes and implications of dynamic changes in health care technology over time. The dissertation utilizes methodologies developed in public finance to consider the effects of policy change on technological innovation and adoption.

With the increased internet usage, the medical professionals are establishing what can be referred to as virtual hospitals. These are internet based hospitals where patient’s needs are attended to online. The patient or the person taking care of the patient e-mail the doctor via internet and the doctor, after reviewing the case advises the patient accordingly. This technology has produced a new crop of doctors referred to as internet doctors. An example of such is the World Clinic at Lahey Clinic Center near Boston started by Dr. Daniel Carlin. The Clinic serves clients from around the globe among them sailors, business executives and tourists. The clinic has been able to employ nine doctors within a period of three years of existence, a testimony to the popularity of the idea (Gorman 2001). Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Advancement of technology has also brought about Intensification of technology convergence which involves sharing of medical information, between medical practitioners, medical devices and information networks has been the modern trend affecting healthcare (Zieliński 2005). Usually technology convergence includes the sharing of patients present and past medical information, vital signs, clinical laboratory results, patient alarms, prescribed and implemented treatments, and possibly the patient body response. This is adopted by medical professionals to access information about the patient. The systems can be used in hospital billing departments, researches, and for assessing the clinical effectiveness of recommended treatments. The potential benefits are workflow streaming, seamless recording and sharing of information, and an overall patient care improvement. A uniformly presented patient data have resulted to improved clinical decision making and identification of clinical ailments while they are still manageable. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Use of tissue stem cells is another technological breakthrough that has had a tremendous effect on the medical field. Tissue stem cells also known as adult stem cells are regenerative cells of the human body that possess the ability to specialize and develop into other tissues of the body. Beginning in an unspecialized and undeveloped state, these cells can be coaxed to become heart tissue, skin cells and many other tissues (Shi & Singh 2008). The cells are found in human body organs and tissues such fat, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placenta, neuronal sources and olfactory tissues. Stem cell technology has made a great change in the medical field in that diseased or damaged tissues can now become healthy and robust through the infusion of such cells. Physicians have utilized stem cells in treatment of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease (Shi &Singh 2008).

Technology has also brought changes in surgery in form of the less invasive surgery which is now preferred as the surgical approach for many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. It is mainly done on outpatients and only on an overnight stay in hospital (Scuderi 2009). Less invasive procedures are performed through one or more short incisions unlike open surgery that requires long incisions. The process is less painful with less postoperative pain on the patient. Through the less invasive surgery there is an overall better outcome with faster recovery and a shorter hospital stay. Even though laparoscopic techniques vary, surgeons insert long thin tube with a lighted camera at its tip, through the incision. Two dimension images are sent from the camera at the surgical site, to a high definition monitor throughout the operation, and are watched by the surgeon Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

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Screening is the investigation of asymptomatic individuals to detect those with a high probability of developing or having a given complication. Diseases that pose a significant health problem are identified by screening and offset the cost of inconvenience and further complications as well as potential harms. The aim of screening is to eliminate or delay death from diseases. With prevalence of breast cancer remaining high it is estimated that mortality from breast cancer in United States is 40 000 women. Breast cancer screening using screen-film mammography is used (Bassett 2005). The mammography screening involves exposure to radiations. Its value is in helping save lives by early detection. Symptomatic free women are exposed to x-ray. In such operations high technical quality images are produced and competent image interpretations is done for successful outcomes. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Computerized Tomography scanner uses x-rays and a computer to make pictures of organs inside the body. It takes pictures of cross section of the body organs. At times the patient is asked to drink a special liquid or injected with a special x-ray dye. A CT scanner has a round centre opening and a flat bed to lie on. While lying on the bed, it slowly moves to the opening where pictures are taken under the CT staff control. The benefits are that details of parts inside the body such as lungs and blood vessels are obtained without using surgery. The CT scans uses radiations that are accurate, fast, and painless and leave no radiations after the scan is finished.

Positron Emission Tomography a body scanning method that detects radioactive substances injected into the body. It is used to provide information on function and help differentiate normal tissue from cancer, rather that information on structure.

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique has been used primarily to produce high quality images of the inside human body structures in medical settings. It produces detailed images of organs and tissues throughout the body without the need of x-rays. Images of visual equivalent of an anatomy slice using radio frequencies, a computer and a large magnet that surrounds the patient. An MRI is painless and the magnetic fields produce no known kinds of tissue damage Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Nuclear medicine diagnosing technique is a technique that uses minimal amounts of radioactive materials that are introduced into the body. When these arterials are introduced into the body hey are taken up by specific organs, tissues or bones, the emissions generated provide crucial information on a particular disease of cancer. Since the information given describes organ function and not only structure many diseases including cancer are detected early.

The other medical technique is the use of Ultra sound. This incorporates the use of high -frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique has a close comparison with the echolocation used by whales, dolphin and bats. These machines are portable and they display the intensities and distances of the echoes produced on the screen, forming a two dimension image. Some images can even be formed without using radiations especially in obstetrics and gynecology also in cardiology and urology. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

The technological innovation of an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator is an amazing experience that literally brings patients back from the brink of death. It’s a device that is of the size of a pager that monitors the heart rate (Liem 2001). It utilizes batteries to send electric signals to a heart that’s beating too slow or restore abnormal heartbeat to a heart that is beating much to fast or chaotically. The cardiac defibrillation is a preventive treatment in selected patients at high cardiac death risk caused by Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias. Basically, for people with a bad heart rhythm problem, a defibrillator is implanted near the collar bone, under the skin at the chest and wires run to the heart. When the heart rate is not normal, it tries to return the heartbeat back to normal. Abnormality occurs either when the heartbeat is too slow, and it works as a pacemaker and sends tiny electrical signals to the heart, or when the heartbeat is chaotic or too fast, it generates defibrillation shocks to arrest the abnormal rhythm. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

In the year 2000 doctors from England reported the use of Capsule Endoscopy to determine the causes of small bowel bleeding ( Classen 2010). The capsule has a battery with 6 hour lifespan, a strong light source, a camera and a transmitter. After swallowing of the capsule, it transmits images of the inside of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine to a receiver worn as a belt by the patient. The receiver is returned to the doctor after 6 hours, who loads the information into computer and reviews it, to detect gastrointestinal abnormalities. The capsule is passed out through the colon and eliminated in the stool. However if the capsule get stuck in the small intestine, surgical removal is undertaken (Collins 2008). So far the capsule is considered safe and easy to take since only rare cases of side effects have been reported. The advancement has been used to explore the tight twisted areas of the small intestine, which traditional invasive tube-and-lens endoscopes cannot reach . Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

While congestive heart failure remains a leading cause of cardiac disability and death, advancement of pharmacologic therapies is ensuring that patients are living longer and more productive lives. Circulatory assist devices have been used for the management of patients with heart ailments where the interventions have failed. In 1982 an artificial heart was implanted into Barney Clark (Bankston 2002). Although he only survived for 112days, later a number of experimental devices were implanted throughout the world. It has led to treatment solutions for terminal heart diseases; cardiologists have overcome organ rejections and enhanced prolonged survival rates of transplant patients. The artificial heart consists of a hydraulic pump, an internal battery, an external battery and an internal controller unit. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

In the military medical assistance, the Robotic Surgical System has been used to treat a wounded soldier in the battlefield using advanced diagnostic and operated machines from remote location. The robot carries out commands of a surgeon that controls the processes; otherwise the robot cannot perform the surgery by itself. The doctor receives a video feeding from the robot and utilizes a system of surgical manipulators to perform the operations. His actions and voice commands are communicated wirelessly to the automated system as he moves his hands in manipulators; the robot then replicates his actions. Also due to troops in battlefields that loose their hands and arms there is a program that is underway to revolutionize upper body prosthetics. This is being researched on to develop improved artificial arms that would perform like real arms controlled by the central nervous system. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

On the converse what was initially an art of caring and compassion, has clearly become a science of medicine and views disease as defeat. More interest is made on the technological advancement and disease but not the individual being treated .The life sustaining machines has lead to the modern phenomenon of dying when machines are shut off. Dehumanization by technology is well exhibited during the death of a patient; he is surrounded by machines and impersonal systems in intensive care units rather than their kinfolks at home. Professionalism in the medical care has been characterized by a growing detachment from the unique concerns of individual patients and a loss personal relationship to the patients. Health workers no longer relate fully to patients as other individuals but as representatives of professions and healthcare organizations. The medics have become more bureaucratic and impersonal. As a result of this there has arisen the inequality between those in need of medical assistance and those with the capability of responding to the need. Although great advances in the medical field have added value to the human life, this impersonal quality of care coupled with the inequality has led to growing mistrust and a feeling of dehumanization by the patients.

The electronics industry has incorporated the biomedical engineering in research development of instruments; design and modification of appliances to alleviate pain extend life and restore health. Biomedical engineers spend lots of time designing electrical circuits and computer software for medical instruments Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Advances in medical technology have large benefits in healthcare. These technological advances also raise healthcare expenditure significantly ( Moody 2006). To run the machines, great professionalism and years of expertise is required making the cost of such services raise by a great margin. The research and experimentation before the technology is authenticated, requires monetary investment that eventually must be recovered and the much required manpower compensated. Especially for the innovations that their usage does not spread to the entire population, in the long run services become almost beyond reach. Globally the cost of treatment has risen with technological development. The benefits gained have outweighed the additional cost of healthcare services. The desire to find better ways to treat patients as they compete with other providers have motivated the interest to create new products and for a clearer understanding of human body anatomy and physiology.Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay


The availability of high technology diagnosis and technology has led to a better quality of life. In the medical field there has been a more detailed understanding of disease pathogenesis and body physiology. By such learning, diseases that previously were termed as untreatable and accounted for high mortalities in human populations, have been favorably been combated. Ailments that are asymptomatic can be detected early enough before the depressed the body functionality, and its defense mechanisms. Although the cost of treatment gave gone up, more resources are saved due to reducing the destruction on body organs and tissues, and also human resources lost while patient are in weak conditions for a long time. Many patients view new medical inventions as the answers to their healthcare problems. There is always room for medical inventions, as every day dawns diseases and especially cancer cells require more understanding and more effective treatments. There are much more medical technological advancement that have been made including, birth controls, fertility assistance using test tube babies, that have relieved couples of their psychological and physiological stresses. The step that remains is to devote more effort to making the current technology accessible. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

While myriad forces are changing the face of contemporary healthcare, one could argue that nothing will change the way nursing is practiced more than current advances in technology. Technology is changing the world at warp speed and nowhere is this more evident than in healthcare settings. This article identifies seven emerging technologies that will change the practice of nursing; three skill sets nurses will need to develop to acquire, use, and integrate these emerging technologies; and four challenges nurse leaders will face in integrating this new technology.

Keywords: Change, future, technology, genetics, genomics, Human Genome, 3-D printing, robotics, nanomedicine, nanotechnology, biomechatronics.

There are many emerging technologies that will change the practice of nursing in the coming decade. Seven are discussed here; genetics and genomics; less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnosis and treatment; 3-D printing; robotics; biometrics; electronic health records; and computerized physician/provider order entry and clinical decision support. Some examples of this are the following ones: Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Biometrics: Electronic capture and analysis of biological characteristics—e.g., fingerprints, facial structure or iris—acting as a security alternative to passwords. The healthcare environment will also continue to be rapidly transformed by new technology as a result of the need to provide confidentiality and security of patient data, i.e., to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) calls for a tiered approach to data access in which staff members have access to only the information that they need to know to perform their jobs. To that end, developers of new technology must assure that access is both targeted and appropriate. Biometrics, or the science of identifying people through physical characteristics such as fingerprints, handprints, retinal scans, palm vein prints, voice recognition, facial structure, and dynamic signatures, is often suggested as a solution to the information access problem. Experts suggest that biometric signatures will become common place in most healthcare organizations since they will provide the needed security for medical records. Fingerprint biometrics is still the most common type of biometrics in healthcare, primarily because of its ease of use, small size, and affordable price. Detection of facial geometry through facial landmarks such as approach angles; eyebrow and mouth contours; skin texture analysis; and hairstyles, however, is also beginning to make inroads into healthcare as a biometric measure. Less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment will also change nursing practice in the future. For example, heart disease is likely to be diagnosed by a new blood test that eliminates the need for risky diagnostic angiograms. A new 23-gene blood test checks for certain blood proteins linked to heart disease. In a recent trial, the blood test was 85% accurate in detecting potentially harmful blockages among patients. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

I first look at the impact of Medicare’s prospective payment system and how it influences which technologies get developed and adopted. This presents an ideal case study because the government implemented the system nationwide in 1983, and there have been many years for innovators to respond to the different financial incentives. Prospective payment theoretically penalizes hospitals for adopting technologies that treat illnesses common among the elderly. This chapter evaluates weather we see empirical evidence that there has been fewer innovative developments targeting illnesses common among the elderly compared to illnesses common among the non-elderly. The data paint a picture that supports the theoretical predictions, and upholds the idea that payment incentives do indeed impact which technologies get developed in the first place. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

The next chapter looks at a much smaller government change and its short run effect on hospital behavior. Every year, the government adds a few new procedures to the list of icd-9-cm codes. These codes make it easier for hospitals to bill insurers for procedures. This chapter investigates empirically and finds that there is a sudden jump in the number of procedures performed in the quarter when a new code is introduced and that this jump persists going forward. It also looks at different sub-groups of insurers and hospitals, and finds that patients whose insurers depend most heavily on the icd-9-cm codes have the largest jump in the probability of undergoing the procedure in the quarter when it is introduced. The jump in treatment is non-existent for Medicare patients and self-pay patients, for whom the icd-9-cm procedure code is irrelevant.

The final chapter investigates changes in ADHD medication over time. Understanding these changes is important in understanding the diffusion of new technology. This project looks at a time period, 2001 to 2003, when a long-acting version of ADHD medication was spreading, which makes it interesting from a technological standpoint. The project particularly asks why some counties have higher growth rates in medication than other counties. What factors lead to faster diffusion in a particular geographic region? My co-authors and I find that supply side characteristics, such as physicians per capita and a younger age distribution among physicians, leads to a faster rate of diffusion. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

These findings together shed light on some specific key questions about health care technology and how it changes over time. These issues will become increasingly important as health care costs escalate and as policymakers strive to make health care more affordable. Economists have long claimed that new technology plays the biggest role in cost growth. While new technology brings benefits as well as costs, economists will need more tools for evaluating technology cost-effectiveness if cost containment becomes an important enough political goal. This project sheds light on some of the matters that will need to be fleshed out in greater detail if we eventually want to understand innovation’s role in rising costs. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay


In the changing world through communication and technology, modification in the healthcare sector is inevitable. The technology will be used to educate the patients, family, and population on how to respond to health issues and management of diet. MethodsInstead of the setting up of nursing stations for testing and diagnosing patients, an application can be installed in the mobile phones. Since almost everyone owns a phone, the application can be set in a way that it can detect a disease by testing the symptoms. Despite the application being installed in the Android phones, patients will be guided on how to use the application (Richins, 2015). When the patients would have done the test or the diagnosis, the system can be linked in a way to send the report to the nurses. The family can be thought on how to check on the best diet to eat.

Rather than families eating according to their desires, a system can be put in place to guide in selecting a diet. The nurses can develop an application that can send messages to all families on what to eat. Through the system of advising on diet, there will be no cases of suffering from diseases caused by poor dieting.The entire population can be educated on how to keep a healthy environment. Through technology, a system can be improvised to send health measures programs and activities to perform (Richins, 2015). Events like sewer treatment and bushy areas cleaning will reduce mosquitoes. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay


Through the improved technology, the centralization and decentralization of stations can be limited. Once the technology is in use, patients, family, and the population at large will not need to move and get seminars. The applications will be used to educate, solve issues and gather information. As a suggestion, the legal authorities can be asked to play a part in the improvement of technology on healthcare. Emerging Technologies And Healthcare Essay

Current and emerging technologies in healthcare essay

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