Curriculum Foundations

Curriculum Foundations

Scenario for the Three Assignments

Assume that you are the curriculum designer for a school district. The school board has requested that several teams develop proposals for new curricula to meet newly established state standards. You and your team must develop the first proposal to provide as a pilot or model for the other teams. You have to first identify a specific curriculum area not currently used in the school district that would greatly benefit the students in the district. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library as well as your textbook to develop a pilot curriculum for a specific discipline area such as reading, math, science or grades K–12 at a local school district.

Refer to the scenario for the three assignments. Build on the same pilot curriculum you identified in the Curriculum Inception assignment for this assignment.

Instructions: Curriculum Foundations

Write a 6–7 page paper in which you:

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● Summarize the following aspects of the Curriculum Inception assignment: (a) Describe the specific curriculum area and grade level or levels for the pilot curriculum. (b) Provide four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

● Describe the approach to curriculum development (that is, behavior, systems, humanistic) you will use to shape curriculum design, providing a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

● Describe the philosophical/theoretical approach to curriculum development (for example, idealism or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum design, providing a rationale for your selected philosophy that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

● Describe the psychological motivational approach to curriculum development you will use to shape the curriculum design, providing a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

● Discuss one cultural influence that has the greatest impact on the school district and recommend one way to integrate the cultural influence into the planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional goals.

● Provide and justify a strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills (appropriate to grade level) into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

● Use at least six relevant, scholarly references published in the last seven years (that is, three new references in addition to the three identified in the Curriculum Inception assignment). (Note: Wikipedia and other nongovernment websites do not qualify as scholarly resources. Review the supplementary readings list on the first page of the course guide for possible references.)

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

● Propose an approach to developing a curriculum that is informed by the audience and needs analysis.


Summarize the following aspects of the Curriculum

Inception assignment: (a)

Describe the specific

curriculum area and grade level(s)

for the pilot curriculum. (b)

Provide four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely summarized the following aspects of Curriculum Inception assignment: (a) Described the specific curriculum area and grade level(s) for the pilot curriculum. (b) Provided four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

Points: 8.625 (3.75%) Partially summarized the following aspects of Curriculum Inception assignment: (a) Described the specific curriculum area and grade level(s) for the pilot curriculum. (b) Provided four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

Points: 9.775 (4.25%) Satisfactorily summarized the following aspects of Curriculum Inception assignment: (a) Described the specific curriculum area and grade level(s) for the pilot curriculum. (b) Provided four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

Points: 11.5 (5.00%) Thoroughly summarized the following aspects of Curriculum Inception assignment: (a) Described the specific curriculum area and grade level(s) for the pilot curriculum. (b) Provided four core instructional goals for the curriculum.

Describe the approach to curriculum

development (that is, behavior,

systems, humanistic) you will use to shape

curriculum design, providing

a rationale for your selected

approach that is consistent with

the core instructional goals of the

Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely described the approach to curriculum development (that is, behavior, systems, humanistic) you will use to shape curriculum design; did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your selected approach that is

Points: 25.875 (11.25%) Partially described the approach to curriculum development (that is, behavior, systems, humanistic) you will use to shape curriculum design; partially provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with

Points: 29.325 (12.75%) Satisfactorily described the approach to curriculum development (that is, behavior, systems, humanistic) you will use to shape curriculum design; satisfactorily provided a rationale for your selected approach

Points: 34.5 (15.00%) Thoroughly described the approach to curriculum development (that is, behavior, systems, humanistic) you will use to shape curriculum design; thoroughly provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent

planned curriculum.

consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Describe the philosophical/theo retical approach

to curriculum development (for example, idealism

or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum

design, providing a rationale for your selected

philosophy that is consistent with

the core instructional goals of the

planned curriculum.

Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely described the philosophical/theoreti cal approach to curriculum development (for example, idealism or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum design; did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your selected philosophy that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Points: 25.875 (11.25%) Partially described the philosophical/theo retical approach to curriculum development (for example, idealism or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum design; partially provided a rationale for your selected philosophy that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Points: 29.325 (12.75%) Satisfactorily described the philosophical/theor etical approach to curriculum development (for example, idealism or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum design; satisfactorily provided a rationale for your selected philosophy that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Points: 34.5 (15.00%) Thoroughly described the philosophical/theor etical approach to curriculum development (for example, idealism or realism) you will use to shape the curriculum design; thoroughly provided a rationale for your selected philosophy that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Describe the psychological motivational approach to curriculum

development you will use to shape the curriculum

design, providing a rationale for your selected

approach that is consistent with

the core instructional goals of the

planned curriculum.

Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely described the psychological motivational approach to curriculum development you will use to shape the curriculum design; did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core instructional

Points: 25.875 (11.25%) Partially described the psychological motivational approach to curriculum development you will use to shape the curriculum design; partially provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core instructional goals

Points: 29.325 (12.75%) Satisfactorily described the psychological motivational approach to curriculum development you will use to shape the curriculum design; satisfactorily provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core

Points: 34.5 (15.00%) Thoroughly described the psychological motivational approach to curriculum development you will use to shape the curriculum design; thoroughly provided a rationale for your selected approach that is consistent with the core instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

goals of the planned curriculum.

of the planned curriculum.

instructional goals of the planned curriculum.

Discuss one cultural influence

that has the greatest impact on the school district and

recommend one way to integrate

the cultural influence into the

planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional


Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely discussed one cultural influence that has the greatest impact on the school district and did not submit or incompletely recommended one way to integrate the cultural influence into the planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional goals.

Points: 25.875 (11.25%) Partially discussed one cultural influence that has the greatest impact on the school district and partially recommended one way to integrate the cultural influence into the planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional goals.

Points: 29.325 (12.75%) Satisfactorily discussed one cultural influence that has the greatest impact on the school district and satisfactorily recommended one way to integrate the cultural influence into the planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional goals.

Points: 34.5 (15.00%) Thoroughly discussed one cultural influence that has the greatest impact on the school district and thoroughly recommended one way to integrate the cultural influence into the planned curriculum that is consistent with its core instructional goals.

Provide and justify a strategy for incorporating critical thinking

skills (appropriate to grade level)

into the planned curriculum using

Bloom’s Taxonomy of

cognitive objectives.

Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely provide and justify strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills (appropriate to grade level) into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

Points: 25.875 (11.25%) Partially provided and justified a strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills (appropriate to grade level) into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

Points: 29.325 (12.75%) Satisfactorily provided and justified a strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills (appropriate to grade level) into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

Points: 34.5 (15.00%) Thoroughly provided and justified a strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills (appropriate to grade level) into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

Use at least six relevant, scholarly

references published in the last seven years

(that is, three new references in

addition to the three identified in

the Curriculum Inception


Points: 0 (0.00%) No references provided

Points: 17.25 (7.50%) Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.

Points: 19.55 (8.50%) Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Points: 23 (10.00%) Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Clarity, writing mechanics, and

formatting requirements.

Points: 0 (0.00%) More than 6 errors were present.

Points: 17.25 (7.50%) 5–6 errors were present.

Points: 19.55 (8.50%) 3–4 errors were present.

Points: 23 (10.00%) 0–2 errors were present.

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