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Design a research question using the PICOT format

Design a research question using the PICOT format

Topic: Best wound care approach for patients with foot ulcers
During this lesson, you will use the PICOT questioning format/formula to develop an answerable research question. All elements are listed below:
· P: Population/disease (age, gender, ethnicity, disorder)
· I: Intervention or variable of interest (exposure to a disease, risk behavior, prognostic factor)
· C: Comparison (a placebo or “business as usual” such as no disease, absence of risk factor, or prognostic factor B)
· O: Outcome (risk of disease, accuracy of a diagnosis, rate of occurrence of adverse outcome)
· T: Time (the time it takes to demonstrate an outcome; e.g., the time it takes for the intervention to achieve an outcome or how long participants are observed)
prepare an evidence-based practice (EBP) presentation on a topic of your choice that is relevant to advanced nursing practice education, leadership, quality improvement, or change
Your presentation should include:
1. Identification of an advanced practice nursing issue or practice problem of concern
2. Design a research question using the PICOT format
3. A brief literature review and findings related to best practices with at least three scholarly resources cited in APA (6th ed.) format
4. Plan, Do, Study, Act Process that could be used
5. Any implications that the investigation might have for nursing practice
The presentation includes an appropriate   topic identification related to an advanced practice nursing issue or   practice problem of concern. The topic is clearly stated in the introduction,   developed and explained well through the literature review, and there is an   appropriate conclusion statement.
PICOT Question Design
Population is fully defined and present in   the research question. Includes specific interventions, identifies   comparisons, and presents appropriate outcomes in a timely manner for the   question. Overall, a well-built question using the PICOT method.
Literature Review
Includes a brief overview of the literature   in the presentation and includes relevant details.
Plan/Do/Study/Act Process
Presentation includes a description of the   study, study design, rationale, and inclusion of sampling information that   the student is using.
Implications to Nursing
The significance and applicability to   nursing is included and well presented.

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